Celtic Pack Uilleann pipe voice vs Standard Genos Voice

Started by Karlos, Oct 19, 2019, 03:46 PM

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Hi I have always loved the Uilleann pipe sound and was wondering if anyone who has purchased the Celtic Pack can compare the Uilleann pipes voice in this pack against the Genos uilleann voice....how does the sound differ?

I see that there is 20% discount on the yamaha music soft website now and just want to know if it is worth buying.



The Celtic pack is my favourite of all the packs I have bought. The whistles in particular are very haunting.




I like this pack and was one of the first I chose when I got my T5


Glad you all like the Celtic pack, but is the Uilleann pipe the same, similar or better then the Genos standard voice?
Cheers  :)


There isn't a standard voice on the Genos, only the irish pipe, which is not a uilleann pipe.


The Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login UileannPipes sound is close to the Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login 2 IrishPipesAir sound. It has more reverb. It's more a group of pipes (with a little more depth) than a single pipe.




Thanks Francesco, I can't say I have noticed a bug in the Genos Irish pipe as yet but it depends on how you play them I guess. I think I will be pleased with the Celtic pack.  :)