Free Movie Ballad. What does "Free" mean?

Started by YammyFan, Nov 01, 2019, 05:19 AM

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One style which I use a lot on my PSR 970 and my PSR 750 comes from Eileen Lowrey's Styles 8. It shows up as 4/4 .  Does that mean that I cannot use it as a backing when I  play a waltz?  So what does "Free" mean?  I will try and attach it to this post.

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If it's a 'Freestyle' - ie no drums, guitars etc - then it effectively has no time signature or tempo.

I'm giving lesson in a few hours to someone who's using one of my Freestyles in an orchestral arrangement. Part of it is in 3/4, part in 6/8 and part in 2/4. The Freestyle covers them all perfectly. Although it has no tempo as such, he has lowered the indicated tempo down to a low value, so that the Harpeggio multi pad he's using runs nice and slow as well.
It's not what you play, it's not how you play. It's the fact that you're playing that counts.


Quote from: andyg on Nov 01, 2019, 05:41 AM
If it's a 'Freestyle' - ie no drums, guitars etc - then it effectively has no time signature or tempo. 
I'm giving lesson in a few hours to someone who's using one of my Freestyles in an orchestral arrangement. Part of it is in 3/4, part in 6/8 and part in 2/4. The Freestyle covers them all perfectly. Although it has no tempo as such, he has lowered the indicated tempo down to a low value, so that the Harpeggio multi pad he's using runs nice and slow as well.
Thank you Andyg for your answer. I'm pretty sure that if I prop a piece of sheet music in 4/4 time signature up on my PSR970 and use one of your Freestyles  then if I  switch on the ACMP, that I can play the melody of that piece of music with my right hand,  as a waltz and not upset any one dancing to a waltz.  I hope  I have got that right. !!
I have never played in a dance hall, so have not been able to ask .