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Genos & SX900 Styles used on Tyros 5

Started by Graham UK, Oct 27, 2019, 04:55 AM

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Graham UK

Anyone having success using Genos & SX900 Styles on a Tyro5.Running these styles first through Revo Drum Cleaner helps a little but results still produce some unwanted drum noises.

Feedback appreciated.


The only way to have them sounding reasonable is to find a similar drum pattern on tyros  style and change drums to that one.


Graham, I haven't tried this but is it necessary to run the styles through a Revo cleaner?
What happens if you just substitute with Real Drums or Real Brush Kits?


Graham UK

jwyvern & Elieen.  NO..All the other drum kits within the T5 still produce the added that extra unwanted drum noise.
Even tried early Legacy Kits and a number of other VCE's but no joy with Genos Styles

Running the SX900 styles through the Revo Drum Cleaner appears to be reasonable successful so I'm happy with those so far, but the Genos styles are still a Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login.

The above is not a problem...but just interested if others had found the same.

It's interesting that a number of Sx styles are very song related.


Try my style collections or these from Onacimus S


Graham UK

Peter. Are these from the SX900 ?. Can you supply the download link please.


Hi Graham
Go to the PSR Tutorial Home page; There you select "styles". Thereafter "collections". In the left column go to Peter Mahl. There you can download the styles. I've converted both the styles of Genos and the styles of PSR SX900 for my Tyros 5. I hope this helps you.


Graham UK



Thanks from me also Peter, I am much obliged.
I have a Tyros5/76 & Tyros4 SE XL.
My keyboard holds every song ever written. I just have to find them.


Tyros 5   S950 S975
Bose L1 compact speaker
HS8 Studio Monitors

I Love My Tyros 5

Graham UK

Peter. QUESTION. Some Genos have P & P2 ?

Will be trying your SX & Genos downloads today, in the meantime !!!
I'm very interested in how you eliminate the unwanted drum noises using.
Style Unlocker, RD Cleaner, Style Revoicer, OTS Editor) and Michael P. Bedemsen (Mix Master)
Just the basic settings would be helpful.

So far I have only used Revo Drum Cleaner with the SX900 Styles . The SX I'm happy with but my GENOS Styles still had drum noise problems. Hopefully your conversions will be good and I will give you feedback.


Hi Graham,
to your questions:
1. P and P2 usually differ in the use of a different drum set. For example, in the "Easy listening" category, the "8Beat Adria P" style contains the "Rock Kit" drum set, while the "8Beat Adria P2" style includes the "Drums" drum set.

2.To eliminate the unwanted sounds, I first applied the RD-Cleaner,
followed by the detail work with the help of Mix-Master. The "DrumKit View" within "Mix Master" shows the exact key assignment of the original voices. Typically, in a case of unwanted sounds, an original voice must be replaced by a similar one (from the T5). To find out which original voice produced the unwanted sound, I listened to each voice and replaced it with another if necessary.
Then I saved the style with the changes within the drum set.

Hope you have fun with the styles.


Graham UK

Peter. I know from my our experience that was a lot of midnight oil burning.
I'm adjusting things for my preferences and even changing a few drum kits, but overall you have made an excellent job.

WELL DONE and thank you for sharing.

Graham in Lincoln UK


Thank you Graham.
It was also a pleasure.



Good evening Peter
A big thank you for your work
Good night
Jean Pierre


Check this pack

[attachment deleted by admin]



is this pack really running good with new sounds on Tyros 5 ? And where can it be found ?

Thanks for infos




  the version special T5 is very good.




i did buy it at

simply a email to this adress and wait of answer.
for 55 Euro the most important Revo drums, Sounds and Styles from the Genos for Tyros 5. Unbelieveable....a Revolution.....

King Size


I bought this Ghenos pack and installed it on my T5 with the YEM. It includes most Revo! Drum kits, many Genos styles and many Genos sounds. Also Kino Strings and more. And the styles play with the Revo drums. This Pack have approx. 500 Mb.
At first, I was very skeptical whether that are really Genos sounds. But I did use a genos for 6 months and I know the drums and sounds. It's really the Revo! Drums and Genos sounds. Incredible! I do not know how they could make these sounds playable on the Tyros 5.



Just ordered a scaled down version for my PSR S770. Will give feedback as soon as I've installed and tested it.
...Fly Forever!


Received and installed my pack.

1. My wave on-board memory is only 158M.
2. The Revo drums alone fills this space completely.
3. Seattle strings is awesome!
4. The drums are definitely different.
5. Better? Not sure. But then not sure if Audya drums that much better too...
6. Busy swapping things around. Will post a few demos soon.
...Fly Forever!

King Size

Hello Henni,

I think we need some time to get the Revo drums right. But it's definitely the revo drums. Whether we like it is of course, a personal matter of taste.
The T5 Pack is approx. 500 MB Size.



I use the Genos and SX900 styles in my PSR-S950 just fine, once the rev drums are adjusted. It's pretty easy to fine replacement voices for everything. I just don't have the "doo woop" voice patch installed to replace that sort of voice in the styles (very few of those anyway).

In fact I was thinking about maybe making a video comparing the Genos Superior pack styles to an adjusted version of them played in my S950 keyboard.



I stand corrected - judge for yourself. Keep in mind:

1. You are listening to a PSR S770
2. I could not load all the Revo Drums
3. I could not load any other voices
4. Many styles are thus missing some voices

I am WELL satisfied with my purchase!!!

[attachment deleted by admin]
...Fly Forever!


Hello, I have the same pack and yours is badly programmed and it lacks sounds, I think you installed it wrong on your keyboard. In the next few days I will send a sample of mine.


No, I did not install it wrong. It came for A PSR S775 which has more memory. But yes, please post more demos.

[attachment deleted by admin]
...Fly Forever!


I have no problem with the pack and if it sounds good or not or whatever.
The cost is low if it isn't that good anyway.

But the fact that you behave like a "customer" who bought the pack although you are the one who is selling it, makes me  >:( >:( >:(

Sell what you want to sell but do it without treat people like being fools.
That drives me really really mad!!!

This goes to Computec.

Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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Quote from: panos on Nov 21, 2019, 05:02 PM
I have no problem with the pack and if it sounds good or not or whatever.
The cost is low if it isn't that good anyway.

But the fact that you behave like a "customer" who bought the pack although you are the one who is selling it, makes me  >:( >:( >:(

Sell what you want to sell but do it without treat people like being fools.
That drives me really really mad!!!

This goes to Computec.

I do not understand what are you talking about



[attachment deleted by admin]
...Fly Forever!