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OTS List

Started by Mendel, Oct 26, 2019, 08:00 PM

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Is there a list of all of the voices used for the OTS on genos? I have voices covereted from the genos to my S970 and would like
to reconfigure them to the genos voices i have, as it wont detect the vocies

thank you,

Ed B

Hi Mendel
They have already been converted to the 970 by Onacimus you can download at:
This will save you some time.
If you want to do it yourself you can open the style in MixMaster and it will give you the original name and show you whether it is on your 970 or not then you can substitute. MixMaster is available at this location for download:
Ed B
Keep on learning


Thank You Ed B for you prompt response!



I'm having some trouble finding the OTS...



Hi Mendel,

You can produce a basic list of all the voices used for OTS in all styles in a folder using Jørgen Sørensen's program 'OTS Viewer' available at this link...

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It only produces a list of the voice names and doesn't give the voice ID numbers, but this might be sufficient for you.

The output file that the program produces is in HTML format which can be opened in a web browser.

At the moment the program can't correctly list the Multi Pads used in the OTS.

I had already copied all the Genos preset styles and put them into a single folder in which they are sorted in alphabetical order, so I ran the program on this folder and have attached the resulting HTML file in a zip archive if it is any use to you. You need to unzip it to get the '.htm' file which should open in your web browser.

Regarding MixMaster, when you simply load a file into this program, it only shows the voices used by style/MIDI parts.   It doesn't show the OTS voices used in a style just by loading it.  To see the OTS voices I believe that you have to connect the keyboard to the computer and use the program's 'Monitor' function. This is explained in the section 'How to view, save and load an OTS to/from the PC' on page 28 of its help 'manual' although I have never tried this.

If you are wanting to see more OTS voice details about individual styles, possibly a better choice of program is Jørgen Sørensen's 'OTS Editor', although this also is currently not completely converted for use with Genos, so not all functions work (Missing Multi Pad and Harmony/Arpeggio data).  Here is a link to the program...

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Note that both of Jørgen's programs require Java.



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Ian, How did you export to html?


The file containing the list of voices that the 'OTS Viewer' program produces is in HTML.




This is one of those things that would add a lot to the Genos ease of use..

Making OTS a selectable and savable item, on the same level as a style, performance, sound... with the same search functionallity..

This works very good in Roland keyboards, where they are named keyboard sets.

I can see how in the current structure where the lefthand sound belongs to the style part, this can be kind of troublesome for data archivement.


Quote from: Bachus on Oct 28, 2019, 07:07 AM
This is one of those things that would add a lot to the Genos ease of use..

Making OTS a selectable and savable item, on the same level as a style, performance, sound... with the same search functionallity..

This works very good in Roland keyboards, where they are named keyboard sets.

I can see how in the current structure where the lefthand sound belongs to the style part, this can be kind of troublesome for data archivement.
they already have it in the genos, you can use the registrations for this this gives you up till 10 variations of the upper and lower sounds (which you can name in the registration edit screen). I use it all the time, i have a separate folder where is stored lots of different registration banks with all kind of variations of sound combinations. It works the same as keyboard sets on a korg this way (even better because you will have 10 keyboard sets available per registration bank.

It's a fantastic way of working with the genos (i like this method better then the keyboard sets on my pa4x).

Whenever i want to use a specific sound combination in a style for a song i copy that to an OTS of that style and save the style under a song name. for instance like the picture below. There i copied sounds from multiple registrations to the OTS from the style and in the registration itself i also added 10 sound combinations which gives me a total of 14 'keyboard sets' for this specific song. (a lot more then the four on a korg pa4x).

So when i select this style i get the four OTS that i assigned it to, and when i select the song registration it adds 10 sound combinations to use with this song)

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: robinez on Oct 28, 2019, 07:37 AM
they already have it in the genos, you can use the registrations for this this gives you up till 10 variations of the upper and lower sounds (which you can name in the registration edit screen). I use it all the time, i have a separate folder where is stored lots of different registration banks with all kind of variations of sound combinations. It works the same as keyboard sets on a korg this way (even better because you will have 10 keyboard sets available per registration bank.

It's a fantastic way of working with the genos (i like this method better then the keyboard sets on my pa4x).

Whenever i want to use a specific sound combination in a style for a song i copy that to an OTS of that style and save the style under a song name. for instance like the picture below. There i copied sounds from multiple registrations to the OTS from the style and in the registration itself i also added 10 sound combinations which gives me a total of 14 'keyboard sets' for this specific song. (a lot more then the four on a korg pa4x).

So when i select this style i get the four OTS that i assigned it to, and when i select the song registration it adds 10 sound combinations to use with this song)

I know, registartions works okay for this..
But i would have loved a sepperate saving item called OTS..
With a name attached to it..
Not that it would add much in functionality
But it would add to my workflow..
It would also make all those OTS's currently hidden in styles
Clearly accessible... from a browable list...

Thanks for the extensive answer tough..



I am 100% with you. Registrations could do a similar thing. But a given organisation structure of presets and user savings for keyboard sound assignments, as given by other brands, would be nice.

So, we have only single voices in categories. But other keys offer also combinations of several voices to give good presets of cool voicings.

We have such voicings in OTS of styles, but they are not searchable.

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