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Fade Out/In settings

Started by tvskyfreak, Oct 30, 2019, 01:49 PM

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I recently bought a Genos, and am super excited about it - and I guess I've still only discovered less than a tenth of its features. There is one thing I cannot figure out though, so I wanted to ask if someone did.

It is about the fade out feature. I have linked it to one of the assignable buttons, and it works fine, but once the style and voice fade out and stop, the Genos goes back to full loudness in around 2 seconds, meaning that the echo of the voices can be heard (as it takes longer for it to stop). Back with my old PSR S750, there used to be a setting to define how long the instrument should take before it sets the volume back to 100 (or however much it was set to before the fade out). I have tried to go through all the menus I could find, tried Direct Access button (as that was the way to set that with S750 if I remember it correctly), but still cannot find the correct setting with Genos.

Didn't anyone manage to find a way to adjust this setting?


When you open the 'Assignable' display and select 'Fade In/Out' as the function, at the bottom of the 'Assignable' display you will see 'buttons' that show and allow you to change the times of the fade in, out and hold.

I think that the default hold time is just 1 second, which is a bit short!  The maximum hold time is 5 seconds.

Although you can assign Fade In/Out to more than one button, there is no point since you can't set different times in each button!





Thank you! I didn't notice it there at all before, but it's set up and working now :)


According to Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login, Fade Out Hold Time is between 0 and 5 seconds.

...quoted from reference manual:
QuoteFade Out Hold Time: Determines the time the volume is held at 0 following the fade out (range of 0–5.0 seconds).

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
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Vali Maties - Genos