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MODX 2.0 is available

Started by voodoo, Oct 25, 2019, 07:44 AM

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Fixes and Enhancements

< V1.10 to V2.00 >

New features;

New effect types have been added.
New Performances have been added.
The Pattern Sequencer function has been added.
You can now play songs, patterns and audio files from the Live Set display.
Super Knob Link has been added to the data that is recorded in the Scene function.
Keyboard Control has been added to the data that is recorded in the Scene function.
Increased the range of the LFO Speed parameter.
You can now connect MIDI equipment via the USB TO DEVICE terminal.
The Global Micro Tuning settings have been added.
The Audition Loop setting has been added.
Improvements have been made to the user interface.
The Note capacity (total area in Store) has been increased from 130,000 to 520,000 (for Songs) and 520,000 (for Patterns).
Fixed problems;

Fixed other minor problems.
Yamaha Genos
Yamaha MODX7
Yamaha P-125 Digital Piano
Nord Electro 5D


This sounds like a significant update for the MODX! :)


Hi Michael and Uli --

Yep, this is a major upgrade in more ways than one. The software engineers probably touched every major data structure, so users need to back-up everything first, install, initialize and re-load their back-up file (a MODX "All file" or "X8A file").

I just went through the steps and everything is back:

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Whew! It's a little scary to hit those initialize buttons. Thanks to the move, I have a zillion back-up files on at least three kinds of media.  :) You never know when high-energy cosmic rays will sweep across the planet. Of course, we will then have other problems.  :)

Time to play with the new toys -- pj

Brian 007


Lots of new things to explore especially the new Pattern Recorder / sequencer

All the best,  Brian007 