What is the best way to store registrations?

Started by Toril S, Sep 09, 2019, 02:47 PM

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Toril S

Hello friends :)
I am slowly coming to grips with the use of registrations, and have learned (the hard way) that, once you have set up a registration, the path must not be altered. I know many of you here use registrations a lot, so I wonder: What is the best way to store them, on the keyboard (HDD or user area), or on a USB stick? I have a T5 and an S975. They have to have separate registrations, so maybe just storing them on the keyboards is OK? Or is it better to use USB memory for this?
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.


Toril's PSR Performer Page

Al Ram

I used to have a T5.  When i had the T5 i stored all my registrations in the T5 HD but not in the user area.   I only used the user area as a working temp area and then when the work was completed i moved it to the HD.
In my T5 HD i had folders for each of this:
- Registrations
- External Styles
- External multipads
- Midis
- etc.

I now have a Genos and now store all registrations in USB flash drive.   My main idea is that if I ever need to move to another Genos, i could just take the flash drive and plug it into the new Genos (or even maybe another Yamaha keyboard).  I have not have the need yet but the idea is to facilitate that transfer if i ever need it.    I have the same file structure in the Genos Flash drive with same folders as i had in T5.

Some time ago i had to take the Genos to service and i just took the flash drive out and left the Genos for service.  All my valuable info was in the Flash Drive.   So, in theory, if the Genos could not be repaired i could just transfer the flash drive to another Genos.  Luckily my Genos returned from service working great.

Hope this helps.


San Diego/Tijuana


Quote from: Toril S on Sep 09, 2019, 02:47 PM
Hello friends :)
I am slowly coming to grips with the use of registrations, and have learned (the hard way) that, once you have set up a registration, the path must not be altered. I know many of you here use registrations a lot, so I wonder: What is the best way to store them, on the keyboard (HDD or user area), or on a USB stick? I have a T5 and an S975. They have to have separate registrations, so maybe just storing them on the keyboards is OK? Or is it better to use USB memory for this?

Hi Toril S,

yes, the path of the FILES linked in the Registrations must not be altered later. But the Registration bank files (.rgt) can be renamed and/or moved on the volume as desired. For example, you can copy particular Registration banks to a new folder and add numbers at the beginning of the file names (to achieve a certain order and to be able to go to the next bank with the "REGIST BANK plus (+)" button):

Example for Registration bank file names with numbers:
010 Songname XYZ.rgt
020 Songname DEF.rgt
030 Songname ABC.rgt

In principle, you can also store your Registration banks in the internal USER drive (on T5/S975) or on the internal hard drive (HD1) of the Tyros5. But the size of the USER drive on those models is relatively small, so you will have to save external files (such as styles / MIDI files / multi pads) anyway on a USB stick or on the T5 hard drive.

If you have stored your files on different drives / volumes, creating backups is much more involved and prone to errors.

Therefore I recommend to store EVERYTHING (except the Expansion Pack data, of course) on USB sticks. So you can simply copy the complete stick (or part of the data on the stick) on the computer for backups.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Fred Smith

Quote from: Toril S on Sep 09, 2019, 02:47 PM
Hello friends :)
I am slowly coming to grips with the use of registrations, and have learned (the hard way) that, once you have set up a registration, the path must not be altered. I know many of you here use registrations a lot, so I wonder: What is the best way to store them, on the keyboard (HDD or user area), or on a USB stick? I have a T5 and an S975. They have to have separate registrations, so maybe just storing them on the keyboards is OK? Or is it better to use USB memory for this?

Actually, Toril, the great thing about registrations is you can move them anywhere and they will still work.

Note that any file the registration refers to (user style, multipad, text, etc,) can't be moved with impunity, but the registration can.

And, finally, this does not apply to the Genos when using the Songbook registration link feature.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Toril S

Thank you so much for the quick answers, Al, Chris and Fred! You have been of great help!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.


Toril's PSR Performer Page

Robert van Weersch

I store all my registrations (and custom voices, styles, multi pads, audio links etc) on a 32 GB micro-sized USB stick, so it doesn't stick out and can be left in the socket when transporting the T5. Using a USB stick enables easier backups, file transfers etc. compared to the internal harddisk. Speedwise there is no difference between the USB stick or the internal disk. When I have an important gig planned, I even have a backup USB stick on my keychain, although in all my years of experience as an IT guy, I've seen far more harddisks break down than USB sticks.
Yamaha Tyros 5 76
Korg Liverpool (microArranger)


I too store all my versions of styles, voices, registrations, etc. on USB. This has allowed me to move my work from S900 to S910 to S975 and all the relevant elements are always present.

Not that I especially knew what I was doing when I was first starting out, it just seemed like a nice way of doing things, which has served me well over the years. Also, USB is very easy to back up onto a PC.

- Royce
DGX-305, Roland E60, S900, S910, S975, Center Point Stereo Spacestation V.3, Bose L1 Compact
PSR Performer page


Quote from: RoyceM on Sep 10, 2019, 02:28 AM
I too store all my versions of styles, voices, registrations, etc. on USB. This has allowed me to move my work from S900 to S910 to S975 and all the relevant elements are always present.
- Royce

Royce, you make it sound so easy
To move style, voices, registrations from my S910 to the S975 or even from the S950 to 975 and get it stage ready is a big task
It took me nearly 2 months to get my S975 stage ready.


Hi  Toril, I have all my registrations, edited voices, styles, MSPs etc stored on a USB so I can easily use my files on another keyboard if I want to, that way everything will still link.
Registration banks can be moved around from drive to drive if you want, but don't move voices, styles etc.

Toril S

Thanks Robert, Royce, Pino and Pam!
Much good advice. It is a little tiresome to maintain updated folders on two keyboards, a USB stick and the computer, so I think I will follow the advice of using the USB stick, and of cource take backup to the computer too.
Pino, I have the same problem, not all files work on both the T5 and the S975. Styles usually work OK, but not always. Regs don't work, they are separate for the two keyboards. I provided myself some extra work when getting the T5, bot I don't regret it, since I have come to love it so much. I am just an amateur, so I can dive into the scat voices with glee and oohh and ahhh to my heart's content :) :) But the 975 is much easier to take out on my accasional gigs!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.


Toril's PSR Performer Page


Quote from: Pino on Sep 10, 2019, 03:50 AM
Royce, you make it sound so easy
To move style, voices, registrations from my S910 to the S975 or even from the S950 to 975 and get it stage ready is a big task
It took me nearly 2 months to get my S975 stage ready.

Yes Toril, although going from S900 to S910 was seamless, there was tweaking to do on most of my saved styles to get the sound I wanted on the S975. Besides getting the Master EQ figured out, my biggest changes were to styles' bass instruments and volumes to get the sound I wanted through my also newly acquired Bose L1 Compact. There were occasional other tweaks too.

My litmus test was always how things sounded through the Bose system (that's what my audiences hear). On-board speakers, headphone jack, and output jacks each give a different sound representation. Once I got things sounding good through the Bose, I ignored my urges to tweak things while listening through the on-board speakers or headphones.

It's taken most of a year to get my programs adjusted for the new equipment. BUT MY BASIC WORK successfully transitioned to the new platform.

- Royce
DGX-305, Roland E60, S900, S910, S975, Center Point Stereo Spacestation V.3, Bose L1 Compact
PSR Performer page

Toril S

Yes Royce. Good advice to connect the bose. If I am not satisfied with the sound of a style, that style sound even worse through the Bose!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.


Toril's PSR Performer Page



In the nearly four years that I've owned my s970 arranger I've learned (with considerable help from the tutorials and this forum) to muddle my way through some of the basics. I can, at least, play a simple song so that I am satisfied with the result, and I've had fun getting there. I've probably used styles which are stored on a USB stick. I've made changes to styles and voices and saved them in User Memory. I've saved settings as registrations in a bank, and perhaps I've specified the order in which I'll be using them and put that sequence under the control of a pedal. I've saved my performance as a MIDI file and perhaps made simple adjustments to it. I've used this to record my song in the USB Recorder as a WAV file. This was then transferred to my laptop and converted to an MP3 file.

If I came back to play this song in six months time, I suspect that it would not be a simple job to re-create that performance. Some of the components were saved in User Memory and may not be there any more. Registrations make reference to styles and voices which are all over the place.

In the future I shall try to ensure that the majority of the work that I put into using my arranger to play a song will be contained in one folder on a USB stick.

1. Create a folder on the USB-stick and name it with the title of the song.
2. Copy an empty registration bank (kept in User Memory alongside my Startup registration) and paste it into the folder. Give it a memorable name (I use the name of the song again). Select this bank so that it's ready to accept registrations.
3. Find existing styles to consider as a basis for the song and copy these into the folder.
4. Develop the song using these styles. If styles needs modifying save them in the folder. Any styles copied in at (3) but not used can be deleted.
5. If a voice needs modifying, save it in the folder.
6. Save any settings as registrations in the Registration Bank which is in the folder.
7. If I create my performance as a MIDI file song, it gets saved in the folder.
8. If I use the USB Player to record my work as a WAV file, it gets saved in the folder.

It just seems more orderly this way.


Toril S

Thank you so much for the good advice Alan!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.


Toril's PSR Performer Page