CHORD STEP RCORDER does not initialize!

Started by chikitin, Oct 17, 2019, 09:36 PM

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I just started reading the manual to record the style in Song creator. I have the following two questions:

Q1. When I record Chords (Step Recording).

  • Press the SONG [REC] and SONG [J] (STOP) buttons simultaneously.
  • Select the Style you want to use in the Song. by [FUNCTION]  TAB [F] MENU 2  SONG CREATOR  TAB [E][F] CHORD
  • Call up the operation display.
  • Press the [G] (STEP REC) button to call up the STEP RECORD display.
  • Start Step Recording by using the [A]–[J] buttons and [1]–[8] buttons, as well as the keyboard.

In step three (3) of the manual I see the figure showing 5 lines, automatically added:

row 1: 001:1:0000 Style       80'sPowerRock
row 2: 001:1:0000 Sect        M    A     MainA     :4
row 3: 001:1:0000 Chord      C    Cancel
row 4:  001:1:0000  Tempo         121     
row 5:  001:1:0000  End

However, mine only shows a single row as follows:

003:1:0000  End

Am I doing something wrong please?

Q2. It seems One needs to record style first, if it is needed before recording melody. Is this correct? Of I can have melody recorded and save it as a song and then record the chords? I am saying this because in the manual first step recording a melody is explained and then the next section ( stop recording Chords) starts by Pressing the SONG [REC] and Song (STOP) buttons simultaneously!!

I do appreciate your time in advance,


Fred Smith

You probably have your events filtered to show only a subset of events.

Look for the filter button, then turn on all events.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Super. I had to filter Style number, section name, chord name and the tempo to get it like the manual.