Wanted SX900 Play List

Started by Graham UK, Oct 23, 2019, 07:16 AM

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Graham UK

Is there a printed Song Play List available Please.
I'm interested in the Suggested Style Songs Suggestions.



Hi Graham,

Here is a copy of the SX900 Playlist. Hope the Layout is OK for you.

Best wishes,

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Graham UK

rgw. Appreciated, but it's what style is suggested for each song that I require.




Quote from: Graham UK on Oct 23, 2019, 10:11 AM
rgw. Appreciated, but it's what style is suggested for each song that is required.

Hi Graham,
This is what you get if you print out the playlist. You can only see the styles by calling up the .rgt file on the keyboard and there are over 500 of them. Sorry I can't help further. Maybe other Forum Members might have a better solution.



These are for genos but much the same for sx just a ffew styles missing

Regards - keith

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and genre order -  handy for medleys


ps ...if you look on the psr tutorial site - Joe has a dowloadable MF master list - this even has sug.tempos .
Of course any styles missing for the SX can be found on there from other models to dowmload - and most work ok. on SX well the ones I have tried.

BTW.... Peter has done a FANTASTIC list. have a look on MF posts you can dowwnload it direct from there 

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