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Stili per Yamaha PSR-S900

Started by Emilio, Oct 22, 2019, 02:09 AM

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Ho visto su Youtube l'esecuzione del brano "Oh Carol" con tastiera Tyros 4 e vorrei eseguirlo con la mia PSR-S900. Ho scaricato da questo sito centinaia di stili adatti alla mia tastiera ma non ho trovato quello che cercavo. Forse si tratta di uno stile "early rock". Come posso trovare questo stile?
Grazie, Emilio

Toril S

Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Mainly he want a style for Oh Carol.
I will check in my side.

PSR SX-900; PA 1000; AKX 10


Here are two.
[see attachment]

[attachment deleted by admin]


Thank you for sending your style, but please listen to this player: does he use style in Tyros 4 or is he playng by a song?
Thank you for your replie
Best reguards Emilio


Hi. The style you sent is not the Oh Carol style to me...... Regards


Hi Emilio,

In the video  he is using a style and recording the song as audio as he plays.

The repeating 'Bop-Bop' vocals that you hear are being played by one of the style parts (Ch. 16 Phrase 2) using several vocal Mega Voices, which it constantly switches quickly between.

The style is '60'sVintagePop' which is a preset on Tyros4 and is in SFF2 (SFF-GE) style format.

However even if you use the same style (after conversion to the correct SFF style format needed by an S900), you would not hear these vocals on your PSR-S900 because the voices that are  being used are not available on your keyboard!

I have attached a version of the style in the correct SFF format which was converted from the Tyros3 version and which uses S900 panel voices for the style parts, so it should play on your keyboard.  However the 'vocal' parts of the style (Phrase2 in Main B, C and D) have been replaced with a trombone.  You can easily change this voice to something else if you wish.



[attachment deleted by admin]


I stumbled across the posts requesting styles for Neil Sedaka's 'Oh Carol'. Having listened to them, apart from the 60's vintage pop style, the others are for 'Oh Carol' a song, of the same name, recorded by Smokie of 'Living Next Door to Alice' fame. I may be wrong, it has been known. Hope this helps.


Quote from: lenzieman on Apr 15, 2021, 02:46 PM
I stumbled across the posts requesting styles for Neil Sedaka's 'Oh Carol'. Having listened to them, apart from the 60's vintage pop style, the others are for 'Oh Carol' a song, of the same name, recorded by Smokie of 'Living Next Door to Alice' fame. I may be wrong, it has been known. Hope this helps.

Hi lenzieman,

obviously you are talking about this thread from 2019:
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Why did you start a new thread here for this? Usually in such cases you would post in the existing thread (just click on the "Quote" or "Reply" button).

Best regards.
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Roger Brenizer

Quote from: overover on Apr 15, 2021, 03:17 PM
Hi lenzieman,

obviously you are talking about this thread from 2019:
>>> Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

Why did you start a new thread here for this? Usually in such cases you would post in the existing thread (just click on the "Quote" or "Reply" button).

Best regards.

Chris is correct, Lenzieman.  There's no need to start a new thread to inform our members of your findings.  I've merged your topic with this topic and changed the subject of your topic to be consistent with this thread.
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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I did as you suggest but a message appeared informing me that the thread I was replying to was well over a year old and that it would be better to start a new one.  So I did.   Sorry.

Roger Brenizer

That's an automated Simple Machines Forum notification, but you may reply if you choose.  In this particular case, it made more sense to post your comment in this thread.
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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