Solving a possible issue with MF Files

Started by blackpool, Oct 15, 2019, 04:37 AM

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As mentioned in previous posts -

It is possible to covert music Finder files easily to playlists on Genos / SX.

Back when i had my Genos I do remember having issues with some folders, converting partially but not fully, some had song titles missing, others were ok.  I just could not work this out at all even after several attempts.

I decided in the end after taking advice from a friend to maybe 'try' just loading the problem ones to a Tyros 5 user drive and then copying back out to a USB. then trying again .
Ironically they were then fine .....and have since also loaded correctly to the SX900

Not sure if this was a 'fluke' or not - but if you do have issues, give this a go as it did work for me.

Regards - Keith 


Always best to load the original MF if possible to avoid any problems.


Blackpool, thanks for all your SX tips.

Importing the MF from other keyboards sounds very complicated for something that would just give an idea of a rhythm to go with a song that one would be working on. Wouldn't the voices in the registrations be pointing the wrong way.
Is the limit 2,500 entries on the SX.

I don't think that I have ever used the registration that's included in the MF
I always re-do the OTS and change other settings in the mixer.

I find a text file is better

I have a text file with 8000+ entries of rhythms that may match a song
If I do a search of the song name then it may come up with 3 or 4 possible styles
These styles may be from a different keyboard, no problem, I have them on my stick.
Then I would run through each style to see if I get a hit.

Once I find a style with the right feel then I'm ready to make it my style,
It's a big time saver just to get to that first stage to build a song style



Hi Pino  thanks for that as well!

No - The simple point I was trying to make was -

If anybody comes up with this problem, when converting MF records, then loading and re-copying the folders FIRST using a Tyros 5 did the trick....well for me it did oddly and i had been messing around with them for ages to try and find a solution.

I have over 10,000 Yamaha MF song/tune records in 5 user folders. i dont have any issues with them at all. ok some may need tweaking, re-voicing and perhaps tempo adjustments.
For me they are a great basis for any song i want using search in registration, its a dream and each conversion provides a style with OTS and tempo in a single registration setting in its own bank with the rest of the empty bank buttons ready to edit and then re save as you wish.



10,000 Yamaha MF song/tune records in 5 user folders.
You've been a very busy,

Tweeking will go on forever, that's just part of the job,

Could you upload one of your files somewhere,
I've always used the MF as a starting block.




Obviously Pino - You only tweak the ones you want to use yourself from the 1000's of files you have converted in your user drive  - Its not time consuming at all.

ie. search for a particular title in main registration screen , You might get a dozen or so resulting options for a song title - try out the results and then use from there what you like to simply edit re copy and save.
I just then move it to my own genre folders I have created .... what could be easier.

Talked about this yesterday and did not post the link ( sorry )  - I seem to remember Yamaha T5 UK version was free from Yamaha - but Joe Waters sells sets in the shop as well on this forums website see -   Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

ps it takes 10 to 15 minutes for the sx to convert a folder containing  2,500  mf files to a playlist with a reg bank for each entry  so you can do over 10,000 in under an hour and it uses about a third of a gig only.