Purchasing Styles - Styles-24. de

Started by porterma, Oct 11, 2019, 11:20 AM

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I was wondering if anyone had purchased styles from the European company called "Styles-24.de".
I am interested to find out if they sound any good, and how easy it is to receive these.
They have one on You Tube for the Association song "Never My Love" that sounds good on YouTube.

Thanks for the help.



Hi Mark,
Check the styles I just left for you in your other post.


Hi Al,
Thank you so much for these styles.
I will check them out with the song this afternoon.
Really appreciate all the help.


Rolf Lindell

I have also found this site on the Net. It sounds OK. I have a PSR S770. It would be very interesting to know
if any of you have tried this styles. Great to hear your comments. It is not cheap but if it works, why not


In my opinion it is an excellent site.


Are they registrations, MIDI files, or style files?


I believe it is a German site.
It is a site mainly for song specific styles, but they say with the style you get an eight part registration and a video demonstrating the song being played. Not sure if this translates into a midi file or not.
Still looking for someone who has actually purchased a style from them.



I have purchased several styles from them. As already stated they are style and registration. The emphasis seems to be on the style creation which is incredibly accurate to the original song. I would certainly recommend them.


Hi Mike,

Do their styles  play correctly for all parts in all style sections in any key (like the Yamaha ones do, including Intros and Endings), or do they only work correctly when played in a specific key?




Quote from: porterma on Oct 12, 2019, 12:12 PM
Still looking for someone who has actually purchased a style from them.

I have only purchased 3-4 and I have been very content with what they supplied.

To give you an idea of what the styles sound like I have put a link to one of the Demo MIDI Files that comes with the Styles.
Why not just buy ONE and see if they are what you are after.

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wolfgang t

Good day everybody.

I have been told about this thread and I would like to introduce myself. I am Wolfgang von Styles-24 and I am happy to comment on some questions here. Unfortunately I have to translate my words from Google. I hope that's ok.
We basically create title-related styles (songstyles) and our goal is to present a song instrumentally as original as possible with a one-manual instrument.
A style set always consists of the
- title-related style,
- the registrations with edited sounds,
- The "Chords" text with chords and instructions.
- A video is created for each title.

For the styles, which were created from 12.02.2016, there is a learning midifile for training purposes, which is often used for practicing together with the video. Recognizable, these videos are also good on the video list at the "T" in the column "incl. Midi".
A new title will be presented every week on Friday or Saturday. This time is needed to analyze the song, to pick out all the instruments from the audio file and to record them track by track and make the video.
The videos are all recorded with the created styles and registrations. If the data is loaded according to the enclosed instructions, the song must sound like the video with you, provided that the same instrument is available. For "smaller" instruments we will replace missing sounds / effects.

Greetings wolfgang

wolfgang t

@ Porterma, Rolf Lindell

In addition to the videos, it is also possible to test two titles for free.
"Wonderful World, Beautiful People" - Jimmy Cliff
"Little Drummer Boy" - Boney M"
Unfortunately, either for technical reasons, a registration is necessary or you write me an email, so I can send the sets.

wolfgang t

@ Tyrosaurus

You ask if the styles only work in one key.
There are different providers of title-related styles. Often, such styles consist of title-based intros, which pass into the main variations after the start. These are then rather universal and consist of 2 - 4 bars together. The endings are then again titled.

As Mikep has already suggested, we try to make the songs very true to the original, even in the main variations. These are usually as long as a stanza with us, very often 8 bars and more. Only in this way is it possible to use strings in the middle of the stanza and to play an independent melody or to create unusual bass lines (see Something - The Beatles).

Now there is a point on every auto-accompaniment machine that Yamaha calls "High Key" and is usually set to the "G" mark. If the accompaniment is bent so that the "High Key" is exceeded by pressing a chord, these notes are lowered by one octave. That's not wrong musically, but it does not sound the way I wanted it to sound.
However, I can take this fact into account when programming for the chords to be found in the song. If other chords are used without adaptation, such octave shifts may occur here and there.

The "High Key" settings can be changed on the instrument. A much simpler option, however, is the transposition.
If a song in the original is played in E major and I want to play in C major, I simply transpose four semitones "Transpose +4" upwards. These changes can be easily set and saved in the registrations.

Result: I play in C major and it sounds original in E major.


It's pretty well impossible to have a style that plays properly only in one key. A style is not 'key dependent' because the software that interprets works from algorithms ie mathematical relationships, not musical relationships. However, there are two situations that can affect a style. One is already mentioned in the thread and is to do with limits set on high notes. The other is that some styles do not work well in both major and minor keys, but that would never be an issue on a song specific style, only where you use the same style on multiple songs. Of course, just because a style has been tailored for a particular song, does not mean it would not work for others. It's just a style like any other style.


To All Responders
Being the one to originally post this inquiry, I just wanted to thank everyone for your responses.
I think I have a good idea of the quality of the styles from this company.
I appreciate all the input.
