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Formatting "USER DRIVE"

Started by PSRBOY, Oct 12, 2019, 02:00 AM

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Hi - Is it possible to safely FORMAT the USER DRIVE on the GENOS and restore it again, as I believe it may be corrupt. I have done the Factory Reset several times, but the problem is still there. (Flashing Screens  and complete FREEZE of all buttons)
Fred (ex TYROS4BOY)   


Make sure you have a back up of your user drive on USB or Computer before formatting.
  Dose your screen flask and lock up when you first switch on or is it after you have loaded something.
If using USB sticks make sure they are not corrupt.
  Have you tried removing all the USB sticks and trying the keyboard as is. Try to track down what it is you do before this happens to your keyboard. I would be very surprised if the User Drive was the problem.


Thanks Eileen for taking the time to reply.... :)
From the very first day I received the Genos two weeks ago there has been problems , some of which have been errors codes .
I contacted Yamaha in Australia who advised me to Update the Firmware to 1.41. That fixed the error codes, but it still had "Strange things " happening , such as doubling of tempo - Keys not turning off - loosing Pedal settings and at times FREEZING UP all together, plus other things I can't even remember now ... :-\ :-\

Today it has started to FLASH between TWO screens, when I try load a MIDI file and every thing FREEZING UP and has to be switched off by the ON/OFF button.   

I am NOT using any of the 3 USB's (all disconnected), so the songs I try to load are "CLEAN" from the 11 Preset songs in the USER drive. I have tried to Factory Set many times, with NO result.

I can load other files such as STYLES - MULTI STYLES - REGISTRATIONS - PLAYLISTS from the USER drive and from any of my SAVED TYROS4 USB's without any problems.   

Yes, I have backed-up the User Drive to a USB ( formatted on the Genos) and removed all files, that I downloaded to the Drive as well and have NO other USB sticks connected.  I have also removed ALL FILES I installed on the USER DRIVE, so it is virtually back to "as received".
However, if the USER drive is corrupt now - my backup will be corrupt as well - hence my question, if it is SAFE to format the USER drive without having a HEALTY Backup...
My next step would be to FORMAT the USER Drive, as I think there could have been some corrupt files in the TYROS4 files - some of which I loaded the first day I received the GENOS. If so, they may have corrupted the USER drive...????
Hope someone can advise

Apart from those little problems (which WILL be fixed at some stage) I JUST LOVE THE GENOS

Fred (ex TYROS4BOY)


Quote from: Tyros4Boy on Oct 12, 2019, 07:26 AM

My next step would be to FORMAT the USER Drive, as I think there could have been some corrupt files in the TYROS4 files - some of which I loaded the first day I received the GENOS. If so, they may have corrupted the USER drive...????
Hope someone can advise

Hi Fred

If you have copied ALL the files on the USER AREA you should be able to reformat the User Area.

It's under the Menu 2 - Utilities - Storage



Lee Batchelor

Fred, did any of these problems happen BEFORE you imported data from your T4? If so, then it's a warranty issue. You need to return that Genos for a replacement. I wouldn't waste time trying to troubleshoot any further.

If things went bad AFTER you imported T4 data, then something has corrupted your file system. Perhaps Yamaha can walk you through a system restore? I imported files from my T5 but the only negative effect was registrations that didn't sound right and had to be re-mapped.

At any rate, good luck. Please let us know how you get on with this. Thanks :).
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Are you sure the Midi file you tried to use was OK. Did you try loading it by Pressing the B section on screen. If using registrations make sure you have the pedal ticked for this in memory. Also make sure the tempo is not different in the odd Regist button. All these things are worth checking and if all else  fails then contact Yamaha. Formatting your Memory will be OK but as I said 
I don't think it would have picked anything up from the USB sticks or content. This is the reason your keyboard is telling you to shut it down because it dose not like the content you are tying to load in. In this case it is better to get rid of the offending file.


Quote from: Tyros4Boy on Oct 12, 2019, 02:00 AM
Hi - Is it possible to safely FORMAT the USER DRIVE on the GENOS and restore it again, as I believe it may be corrupt. I have done the Factory Reset several times, but the problem is still there. (Flashing Screens  and complete FREEZE of all buttons)
Fred (ex TYROS4BOY)


Do you know the shortcuts to access the Genos system tests? No... well do this but with caution for the last 3 tests:

Genos System Tests ( Psr- SX900 / 700 ? ? ? ? ? ?)
You can perform and test a series of Genos system functions to see if everything
works correctly, it may be a useful tool before going to the store for a
repair or troubleshooting.
I don't know exactly how useful everyone is, but some tests are still useful.
By the way, you can't hurt the Genos because they're just here for a
test your system. Practical tests are highlighted.
Test mode for Genos ( For the little brothers Psr- SX900 and SX700 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?) The one on the T 5
was working for my T4.
1, Power down.
2, Simultaneously press the three keys C2# - F2 - G2# (Do2# - Fa2 - Sol2#) and
hold down, then...
3, Power on.
You get a blue screen for the tests.
With the "Tempo - and +" keys, you can browse and scroll to different numbers
of tests ( see below)
Press Start/Stop to perform the test. Wait until the test is completed.
Attention: the control of the Ram and Rom memories can take a long time!
Warning: some others too!! for example the 027 forces you to push all the buttons
to check their functioning

001 : Version
002 : Memory Check1 ALL
003 : ROM Check1
004 : RAM Check1
005 : USER ROM Check
006 : Wave ROM Check1
007 : Wave RAM Check1
008 : Effet RAM Check1
009 : IRQ Check
010 : Pitch Check
011 : Output R Check
012 : Output L Check
013 : Output Sub-1 Check
014 : Output Sub-2 Check
015 : Output Sub-3 Check
016 : Output Sub-4 Check
017 : SP MUTE Check
018 : DAC MUTE 1 Check
019 : DAC MUTE 2 Check
020 ; MUTE Check
021 : Emergency Circuit Check
022 : RTC Check
023 : McASP Check
024 : AUX-IN Check
025 : MIC 1 Check
026 : MIC 2 Check
027 : SW,LED Check
028 : ALL LED On
029 : Red LED On
030 : Blue/Green LED On
031 : Other LED On
032 : ALL LCD On
033 : ALL LCD Off
034 : LCD Pattern Check
035 : LCD Blacklight Off Check
036 : Sub Display Check
037 : Main Volume Check
038 : Knob Check
039 : Slider Check
040 : Joystick Calibration
041 : Joystick Check
042 : Pedal 1 Check
043 : Pedal 2 Check
044 : Pedal 3 Check
045 : MIDI Check
046 : USB to Device/Host Check
047 : USB Storage Device Check
048 : Wi-Fi Adaptter Check
049 : Keyboard Type Check
050 : Touch Check
051 : ROM Check
052 : Wave ROM Check2
053 : Wave RAM Check2
054 : Effect RAM Check2
055 : Pannel PCB Check 1
056 : Pannel PCB Check 2
057 : Touch Screem Check
058 : USER ROM Format ( Attention )
059 : Hardware ID Write ( Attention )
060 : Factory Reset Surtout NE PAS UTILISER !!!!! ( pour dépannage fait un reset usine complet!)
061 : Test Exit
Genos, GroovyBand Live-Platinum, Mfc10, VoiceLive-3EX
Ui24r Soundcraft/Tactile 24"/16", 2 DXR15, HF-SM35,58, beyerdynamic DT-770 PRO X LIMIT EDIT

Music is a Wave, choose the right Frequency to touch the Soul of those who listen to you ...


Lots of thanks to you all...
I decided to FORMAT the USER Drive and then did a FACTORY RE-SET.   
That seems to have done the trick and everything seems to work as it should now....????.
I have, however had several FREEZE UP again, but only when I have a certain USB stick connected, with thousands of all sorts of midi files from my TYROS 4., so I assume that there are some CORRUPTED files on that stick and the GENOS doesn't like them and "spits them out". ( just like Eileen said )
One other thing: I found my Tyros4 will NOT read a USB stick Fomatted on the Genos, (I have tried several different brands and sizes of sticks) - but the TYROS tells you it needs to be Formatted...???? STRANGE...???

B.T.W.  I contacted Yamaha Australia last week, regarding the problems, but have not had any response yet..???.
The GENOS comes with 5 Years warranty, so I still have time  - IF it goes "Belly UP" again - even though the problems probably were caused by OPERATOR ERROR.
Thanks again




If your Tyros 4 tells you the stick needs formatting it is usually because the stick has been corrupted.
Best to get rid of and use a new one.


Thanks Eileen, that could be my problem in the first place - so out it goes...