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Help, STOP ACMP voices

Started by konaboy, Oct 04, 2019, 08:27 AM

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When you play with ACMP on, but no style playing, you are in the STOP ACMP mode. This mode is great for playing breaks, intros or endings.

You hear a string pad, and a slap bass voice when you play chords in the left hand.

How do you change those voices?  I can change the pad voice easily by pressing the LEFT button and choosing another voice.  But I see no way to change the cheesy slap bass.

Here's all the info from the manual, it says you can specify a voice, but not how.

thanks in advance. :)

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In this mode, it is playing 2 channels from the style : pad and bass.

So you need to revoice the style channels.

Not sure how you do this on the SX, but you need to get at the mixer and select the style parts.


The style voices are only used if you choose mode STYLE.
I tried it, and yes, it takes the style voices which can be changed, but they are often megavoices, and not playable.
Can we change the default string & slap bass, when in mode FIXED?


Hi my friend,
as far as I know you cannnot change the "fixed" voices of bass  & pad.
One thing you can do is to change the voices of the bass & pad of the style using the Mixing Console and if still don't sound good,replace them using the assembly function with a bass & pad from another style.
Then you can try other voices for those two also.
As far as I can see on my psr,the Dance styles don't use a "mega voice" bass.
You can "take" a bass that suits for the song from there and revoice it with another e.g acoustic bass for a non electronic music song.
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HI Panos!
Thank you, I think that might be the only/best option.
It would be nice if you could change those default voices, to a more nicer sounding pad and bass, so that they are instantly available regardless of which style you are using, without needing to mess around in the mixer.
We've had that awful string pad and slap bass for years... :)


If you want this function to use it not with a specific song and style,
like when we learn a song or just improvise,
you could use a registration for "calling" several combinations of basses and pads without actually using a style itself.
Just remember to save the ACMP button to off when you save the reg.
I can see that the registration is saving the "off","fixed" or "style" settings of the STOP ACMP that we choose.
I like to keep a few "basic" registrations in the user area for easy access.
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that's interesting that the registration saves the state of that setting, i'll try it out, you're right it would be nice to save a special registration with some suitable voices.