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Started by jondav, Sep 24, 2019, 02:35 PM

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Looking at the specs of the new SX900 and SX700, in the effects section, they dont seem to have the D.S.P. function that were present on previous models like the 770 etc.. H ow would you go about editing the onboard voices?


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Types    Reverb    59 Presets + 30 User
Chorus    106 Presets + 30 User
DSP    322 Presets (with VCM) + 30 User
Insertion Effect    1-8: 322 Presets (with VCM) + 30 User
Master Compressor    5 Presets + 30 User
Master EQ    5 Presets + 30 User
Part EQ    28 Parts
Others    Mic/Guitar Effects: Noise Gate, Compressor, 3 Band EQ, Vocal Effect: 23
Arpeggio    Yes
Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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jondav, can you clarify exactly what you are asking? The SX certainly supports DSP and  voice editing. Can you say what you think is missing?


Well, looking at the effects specification for the sx900 , I cant see any D.S.P. s listed, possibly they are there, but  if , for example you compare this with the specs of say, the 770 or 990 ., the D.S.P. s are clearly listed.


Could it be that downloading and looking at the SX900 Datalist Manual-PDF could help you out? Pls. see under Downloads Manuals: PSR-SX900/PSR-SX700 Data List (follow the URL Panos posted).
My best regards,


Quote from: jondav on Sep 25, 2019, 02:48 PM
Well, looking at the effects specification for the sx900 , I cant see any D.S.P. s listed, possibly they are there, but  if , for example you compare this with the specs of say, the 770 or 990 ., the D.S.P. s are clearly listed.

Hi jondav,

since GENOS (and also on PSR-SX models), the "DSP" (Digital Signal Processors) Effect Blocks are called "Insertion Effect Blocks".

The only exception is "DSP1" of earlier models: That DSP is called "Variation Effect Block" now. (Can be set as "System Effect", similar to Reverb and Chorus Effect Blocks, or as "Insertion Effect"). The other "DSPs" are all "Insertion Effect Blocks" (SX900: 1 - 8, SX700: 1 - 5).

Please refer to SX900 Reference Manual, page 105 ("Editing Effect Parameters"), to find out for which Parts you can use the individual Effect Blocks.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Quote from: jondav on Sep 25, 2019, 02:48 PM
Well, looking at the effects specification for the sx900

Where - exactly - are you looking? Which document, page for the S770 contains what you can't find for the SX?


I am using DSP just as I used to but to access it quickly you got to Menu and select Voice part set up.
  There you will find lots of settings like type of reverb and amount, Right part voice octaves. Volume, Pan etc. 
All easy to access.