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Need some advice on Style Part in Genos playing in Cubase

Started by JohnS (Ugawoga), Sep 24, 2019, 12:49 PM

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JohnS (Ugawoga)

I have just finished another song and used all 16 channels on the Genos sequencer.
I have exported to Cubase and set everything up correctly
All is ok except channel 16 which is for Phrase 2 in a style
On the last track in Cubase  channel 16 I cannot get any sound sound although all settings in Cubase are correct.
I checked back on receive on the Genos and Channel 16 is set to Phrase 2.
Does anyone know what is happening to me as all other tracks are ok. Any help appreciated
Hope it is not a bug.
I put back midi setup to all parts as i had a different setting for last song.
I had something going once ,but the channel 16 has gone silent on me again.
It is something stupid i am missing i think.

All the best
John :)
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.

JohnS (Ugawoga)

I will reply to myself ;D.

I have found the answer i hope

When recording a midi file on the Genos and exporting that to Cubase things act differently

I now have found out to play back Midi through the Genos to speakers or headphones all the sytle parts transmits from Cubase on Port 2.
All the parts leading up to the style are received on port 1.
I now have my song playing as it does on Genos sequencer  in Cubase
Now at last i can convert each track to wave file.
I hope this is the right way as it works at the moment.
It is funny though as my last not with not so many tracks all came out receiving on not Connected in inspector and Yamha Genos Workstaton 1 under neath.
Now i have the above up to the Style section and then Not connected over Workstation 2.
Things do get weird , but somehow i have got things now going.

Any thoughts on this as I would like to know if i have done the right thing and not confused the Genos or Cubase!! ;D
I' good at doing that!!! :P :-X :-\

All the best
John :) / or Billy No Mates!! ::) :P
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.


If I rember thing correctly, you need to make changes in both Cubase and on the Genos, when recording the style directly in Cubase.

When recording the midi in Genos and export to Cubase, you should be good to go with the standard Genos and Cubase setting.

A good thing about the Genos, is that you can save different midi settings and use them as templates and use a specific template for recording styles directly into Cubase and vice verse.

For recording styles into Cubase, theres some good videos by Thio and he shows what settings need to be changed in Genos and in Cubase for that. and

Welcome to Yamaha Beats. Genos and MODX covers on YouTube.

JohnS (Ugawoga)

Hi Jugge

I have had a look and it confirmed what i thought after a long Thunk!!! :P

Up to the style it is port 1 and the style is port 2 and pads are extra parts.
Last song i did nother bother and left things on main in the midi section and labelled everything Not connected over Genos Workstation 1 in the inspector and all worked ,but not so many tracks.
I record a song on the Genos in one hit and then transfer over for minor edits before turning midi tracks to wave, so i can polish them.
The trouble is there are three different sounds on track 1 through registrations and when the track is converted to wave file and then I split them.

So using Main on Genos in midi section and using port 1 and 2 in Cubase things start to look up. Previoulsy all tracks were port 1 in cubase and that is why i got that channel 16 problem i assume.
I am still scrating my head as all tracks in Cubase worked on port one when playing a song in Cubase except channel 16.
Also for a while changing to the correct way when i stopped and started on track 1 in cubase the sax change back to orchestra as i had program changes on track1.
Going back to the last sound on track 1 and then go forward it was ok again.
After awhile when i came back to the keyboard and computer everything started to behave again as it should. Ugg!! ???
I have saved a couple of copies just in case Cubase has a virtual awareness problem again or artificial Intelligence.

All this must sound confusing as i also do get confused ::)

All the best
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.


Hi John,

I just did a test on my Genos and had no problem with sound on channel 16 in Cubase, Here's what I tried.

1. Selected a style in Genos that used channel 16. In this case it was BoyBandPop, variation D.
2. Recorded some of the style in Genos sequencer.
3. Saved the midi and imported it into Cubase.
4. Played back the song in Cubase and all the style channels (9-16) played fine

My midi transmit settings in Genos are setup to use Port 1 channel 9-16 for the style and it was working as expected.

Maybe you can try to replicate what I did and make sure you have the same transmit settings.
Or you can post your midi file and I can try load it in Cubase and see if I get the same result as you.

Welcome to Yamaha Beats. Genos and MODX covers on YouTube.

JohnS (Ugawoga)

Hi Jugge
Yes transmit on port 1. Agree

I am with you on the port 1 as with me all worked .
When you look at the midi receive of the Genos, sending from Cubase the styles in the all midi section point Genos to receive on port 2 and all the rest on port 1 and pads on extra's.
Like you all used to work  and now with this recording channel 16 refused to play until i assigned it to port 2 in Cubase.
seems strange to me.
I am now nearly through recording to wave to work on th EQ etc before a little mastering.
Midi can throw up strange anomalies.
Maybe something i did in the processes that caused my problem.
Works ok now.

All the best
john :)
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.
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