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Midi file - jumping to different sections

Started by Wil5560, Sep 13, 2019, 02:45 AM

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I have created a registration bank which loads the midi file. Next with the 4 individual registrations (in 1 bank), i can select the different voices so I can play towards the midi file.
Now my challenge and question is, how can I create eg an extra registration, so that I can jump back to a part in the midi file so I can repeat a certain section of the song?
Yes, i have been reading about setting markers in a midi song, but in my case I would like to use registration button to jump to a certain section.
Is this feasible? or what is the right way to approach this challenge? any other suggestions are most welcome


I would be very surprised if that could be done on the keyboard, because the keyboard's operating system would have to be written to include the ability to jump to a specified text marker in a MIDI song file. I'm not saying that it's impossible, because I don't know whether it's possible or not.

The only way I can think of doing this on the keyboard would be to create a style from the song file, then you can use the style control buttons to go to any section of the style.

Another possibility might be to split the song file into two or more separate song files at the locations where you're thinking of putting the text markers. Then you might be able to use registrations to switch from one song file to another. However, I don't know if the switch would occur instantly, or if the keyboard would essentially insert a brief pause at the beginning of each song.


Thanks for the nice reply. So maybe this is a future update request for Yamaha to add this as a new feature?
Can imagine that I am not the only one who would love to use this........

By the way...what is the step / easy way to split an existing midi file into separate pieces?


If I wanted to split a MIDI song file into two or more separate files, I would copy the original file to however many pieces I wanted to end up with and still be able to keep the original. Then I would load each copy into a MIDI editor, cut out all of the measures I didn't want to keep in a given section, and save it as a new file. Just be sure you don't remove the first measure (which usually has a "SInit" text marker in it) because that measure contains all of the song's voice and effects settings.

I don't know if there's an easy way to do that on the keyboard itself; I think you should be able to cut out measures you don't want and save the changes to a new file, but I don't know whether you can select several measures at once and delete them at the same time as you can do in most DAWs or other MIDI editors.


Actually, now that I think about it, perhaps you could program the Multi Pads to play different sections of the song? I don't have Multi Pads on any of my Yamaha keyboards, so I can't really tell you what you can and can't do with Multi Pads, but there should be several members here who could tell you.

Joe H

I believe Phrase Markers is supported in the Tyros line, and the Genos, (look on page 79 of the Owner's Manual) and is supported in the new sx900.

The PSR line up until now does not support song Phrase markers.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Currently I have created a number of markers in the midi song. Next i have created a registration bank which loads the midi song as well and with 4 different registration buttons, i select different voices to play along with the song.
So basically when playing, i both push the registration button, and also push the marker in the song.
Not sure if there is another good way, and how other Genos players are playing along with a song. Have not tried multipads, because I don't believe they can jump to a specific position in the song.
Next i have also not split the existing midi song into separate midi files since I am not sure how to do this in the Genos (and I don't have any additional software).