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Help needed about Styles and registrations

Started by aldus51, Sep 03, 2019, 04:26 PM

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HI again.  I am posting here because nobody is giving me any answer in the other sections.
I need some advice regarding one topic I can't seem to resolve.
When I choose a style from  the Tyros2, everything is fine, but when I change one of the main variation
the voice on the left hand goes off and I need to press the button to reselect it. Attached is a picture about the button that I want always on if possible...
I have tried to check in the Yamaha Reg Manager but I can't find a way to keep the left part of the sound always on.
Could you give me some advice?
Many thanks to you all.

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Graham UK

Are you selecting a Styles from the Left Style banks Ballad..Pop..etc:
Or are you pressing one of the lower 8 Registrations buttons.
If you have selected a Registration that was initially saved with the Left Voice OFF then this may be the reason the Left Voice button is not active.

Hope this helps.


The  left hand voice is controlled by the style and the OTS. If the variation in was saved with the left voice off this id how it will act when selected. You can put the freeze button on but make sure you have style ticked in Freeze section or you can save left hand on to registration bank.


OK. Thanks. I will try that and let you know.