Using Vocal Harmonizer With 750

Started by HarleyRider, Aug 15, 2019, 06:28 PM

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I'm unsure where to post this question.  I would like to use a vocal harmonizer using a MIDI interface.  My question is - can I use intelligent KB keying and get the proper MIDI output?  In other words if I depress only the C key in the chord area will I get the MIDI signal for the C chord.  Also if I depress the C & and Bb simultaneously (Cmin) will the MIDI output the Cmin signal?


Yes you can.  The vocal harmonizers are getting away from using midi though.  T.C. Helicon Perform VK still uses it, but also has the option to follow the music by audio input, and even by a built-in mic.
I'm still using the aging T.C. Helicon Harmony M, because it does everything I need.  I tried a VK and although it had many wonderful new features, I didn't use them, so went back to the Harmony M.  In fact I have two of them, as I like to have a backup for everything, and they are hard to find these days, since they haven't been made in several years.
But to answer your question, it reads the chord information so will work just fine with simple one-note chords.  However if you want to use the Vocoder mode, you'll have to play the notes. 
Hope this helps.


I am using the Voice Touch 2.  Used in MIDI mode, it doesnt appear to function properly with KB "intelligent keying" using 2 & 3 finger keying, but does OK with 1 finger keying.  Don't know whether I have a set up problem or not. That's why I would like to know if the MIDI output signals are correct when 1, 2 & 3 finger chord keying is used.

It also does not function to my satisfaction in the "room sense" mode either.  In this mode the harmony voice changes (even though the chord doesnt).  It seems as though the harmony might be following the right 1 & 2 sounds as they are part of room sense audio.

The VT2 works well if I program things with a key setting.  And although I  have 300 settings I can store, it seems that using a $500 piece of equipment in this manner is somehow not a good thing.  And of course, if the key of the song changes, the harmonizer will no longer be set correctly & must be changed in mid song.


Didn't get much response to this post so finally managed to get ahold of Yamaha technical support.  They were quite helpful.   The answers to my questions were:

The s750 as well as other Yamaha KB's, support proper MIDI chord output signalling when using 1, 2 , 3, and other finger keying of the KB.  However, output signaling will only occur if a left (or lower) voice is selected AND that voice is turned on.  This last sentence was the key.  Some registrations that I have programmed did fnot use the left voice at all, or did not use the left voice in all registration buttons.

Knowing that i must set up the left voice properly when desiring to use my MIDI controlled harmonize has solved my pronlem.


I have the Perform VK and it is my goto box for vocals. I also have a Roland VT-4 but I have not used that as much. TC Helicon is very good. I drive the VK via midi chords from the chord channels on my keyboard and that is quite precise, more so than using the instrument in connections on the VK.

You have to set that up properly in your keyboard midi transmit setup. I will have a look at that and post the setup here.

In your Midi setup -> Transmit pages

For use with a style:
Style Chord1 and Style Chord2 --> send to your VT2 midi channel (in my case it is Port 1 ch2)

For use with a song:
Song Ch12 and Song Ch13 --> send to your VT2 midi channel



Hi Richard :

Any idea when you will post that set up ?

Thanks, Babette


I already did.

Read the Edit part of my post.



Quote from: HarleyRider on Sep 01, 2019, 02:49 PM
Didn't get much response to this post so finally managed to get ahold of Yamaha technical support.  They were quite helpful.   The answers to my questions were:

The s750 as well as other Yamaha KB's, support proper MIDI chord output signalling when using 1, 2 , 3, and other finger keying of the KB.  However, output signaling will only occur if a left (or lower) voice is selected AND that voice is turned on.  This last sentence was the key.  Some registrations that I have programmed did fnot use the left voice at all, or did not use the left voice in all registration buttons.

Knowing that i must set up the left voice properly when desiring to use my MIDI controlled harmonize has solved my pronlem.
It might work that way, but it is NOT the only way.  You can connect to the Chord 1 or Chord 2 channels and it works just fine.  Left voice not necessary to be on.


That's correct Don, Use Chord1 and Chord2 in the transmit pages

Also, if you want to do vocals with a backing track (song), transmit Song Ch12 and Song Ch13.

I mentioned this in my post above.



Quote from: RichardL on Sep 03, 2019, 06:56 AM
That's correct Don, Use Chord1 and Chord2 in the transmit pages

Also, if you want to do vocals with a backing track (song), transmit Song Ch12 and Song Ch13.

I mentioned this in my post above.

I guess I overlooked your post.  It is totally accurate!