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Genos - Adding bars to a style

Started by Oxford1035, Aug 21, 2019, 07:44 PM

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Hi guys and girls,

l have this style for Apache. l would like to add 2 extra bars to the ending, but have no idea how to do it. l assume it would be done using Style creator, but after having a look at the style on the creator, it's all like double dutch to me.

l'm using ending 3, and would like to copy the first bar of this ending and add another 2 bars of this copy to the ending. Would anyone be so kind as to maybe do this for me please? l've attached the style. l'd appreciate any help.

Kind regards,


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Quote from: Oxford1035 on Aug 21, 2019, 07:44 PM... l'm using ending 3, and would like to copy the first bar of this ending and add another 2 bars of this copy to the ending. Would anyone be so kind as to maybe do this for me please? l've attached the style. l'd appreciate any help. ...

Hi Russ,

directly on the keyboard (in Style Creator) such edits are relatively difficult, sometimes impossible.

I have edited your style in MixMaster:

Ending 3 (internally it's called Ending C) has 8 bars (in the MIDI data of the style the bars 037 -044).

- changed the time of the 6 bars 039 - 044  to  043 - 048

- copied the 2 bars 037 - 038 (without the Markers at time position 037.1.0000) to clipboard

- pasted this 2 bars (starting at position 039.1.0000)

- pasted this 2 bars again (starting at position 041.1.0000)

- now the Ending 3 is 4 bars longer

I have attached the edited style. If it does not sound like you wanted, just let me know. :)

Best regards,

Ending 3 (= Ending C) has only 7 bars in the original Style (037 - 043), not 8 as I menionde above. Bar 044 is the BREAK section (= "Fill in BA"). But in this case that makes no difference for Style editing.;)

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● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris,

Many thanks for taking the time to edit the style for me. l'll try it and let you know how l get on.

Kind regards,



Hi Chris,

The extra bars are perfect, so thank you once again.

Hopefully you can maybe advise me on the next bit l'm having a problem with.

l'm trying to edit the style using the mixer section. l want to play the melody part of the style ending and beginning myself. l've found that the lead guitar part for the ending etc is under phrase 2. l've taken the sound down to zero so it removes the lead guitar part. This is where it goes wrong. l then click on the file tab and click on save. l'm trying to save it under the same file name, so just click yes to overwrite the existing style. It seems to work initially, but when l change to another style and then go back to the Apache style l've saved it's reverted back to the original style.

l'm hoping you can maybe tell me where l'm going wrong please.

Kind regards,



How do you change style, by selecting directly the style or thru a registration?
Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos


If you want the voice to remain at zero you have to make your changes and then go to style creator. At the top of the page you will see save. Press this and it will ask if you want to over right the style. Press yes. Now it will work as you wanted. 


As Eileen said, you have to edit style in Style Creator. Is the only way you can save styles in keyboard. I recommend using mixer inside Style Creator, and change the values for every style variation. Do not use the mixer in Style Play mode, because will change the entire style's settings of channel you modify.

I think you have saved current registration as the way you did. File - Save in home screen will save current registration in selected bank.

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos


Hi Eileen and Vali,

Many thanks for your help. l've managed to save the changes by going into style creator as you suggest.

l changed the volume and some instruments on the different style parts. l did it by just going into style then mixer, and after making the changes went into the style creator and saved it as per Eileen's advice.

l've read your comment Vali about only doing the changes in the style creator, but l can't see the mixer. Can you please tell me where l find the mixer in style creator.

Kind regards,



There isn't one. For individual parts you have to select the section ie. Intro or variation 1,2,3,4 and  use Dynamic and velocity.
  Much easier to set this all up in the mixer and play the style to make sure it is what you want and then go to Style Creator and save. If using in registrations it is easy to vary these settings and save there. 


Thanks again Eileen. That's the way I did it after your first advice. Just got a bit confusing reading Vali's post. All sorted now 😊

Kind regards,



Hi Russ,

If you open the Mixer for a style and make changes to a part, say adjust the volume of the Rhy2 part in Main A, this change will then apply to all other sections of the style, and if you open Style creator and save the style, this is what will be saved.  If this is what you want then fine.

However, if you want to limit changes to just one specific style section, then you must open the Style Creator before opening the Mixer.

With Style Creator open, on the Basic page check that the section shown is the one that you want to change and change it if necessary (you can use the panel buttons for any section except the Fill Ins).

Now, without exiting the Style Creator, open the Mixer .  To do this, press Menu (Menu1) > Mixer and if necessary select the Style 1 page  (I have Mixer assigned to an assignable button, but it does not work if Style Creator is open - nice one Yamaha  :'()!

When the Mixer is opened correctly within Style creator, the green 'part' indicators near the top of the display are 'greyed out' (see attached screen shot).

Now make your changes to the parts in that section.

If you want to change another section, select it (again using the panel buttons for all except Fill Ins) and change the parts as required. If you want to select a Fill In section, then unless anyone knows any different way, you will need to exit the Mixer by pressing Exit or touching the 'X' at the top right of the display - do not use the Home button!  Repeat this Exit one more time to return to the Style Creator display.

Now select the desired section from the display and then open the Mixer again as above.

BTW, after you have made changes, you should see them reflected in the Mixer settings as you select different style sections.

Once you have finished editing the parts, or anytime that you want to save the modified style, return to the Style Creator display by exiting from the Mixer as above, and save the style.

Don't ask me why there is not a button in the Style Creator display for the Mixer - there is certainly plenty of space for it!  :'(

Also on the Tyros models (and PSRs?), when the Style Creator and Mixer (Mixing Console) are open, if you press a style section button, a small selection box pops up which allows you to select any style section, including the Fill Ins without needing to mess around returning to the Style Creator display.  Perhaps Yamaha should have a look at how they used to do things to get some ideas to improve the efficiency of the Genos user interface!   



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Hi Ian,
Many thanks for taking the time to explain it all in depth. It now makes sense exactly what Vali meant.
Busy with family stuff over the bank holiday, but will sit down and go through everything you've just explained. Many thanks again.

Kind regards,
