Setting up registration with multipad

Started by ritahelen, Aug 18, 2019, 05:12 PM

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Hi So I'm setting up a certain song in my registrations including a particular multipad which I have in the multipad user, but as soon as I use OTS and switch onto the next OTS the multipad goes back to default
Is there a step I have missed out here
I am new to using the multipads and I have an S950

Thank you


Hi Rita,

Normally you do not use OTS 1-4 when using a registration since the last button pushed will overwrite the previous one or in your case you set a certain multipad and save it in a registration. When tapping the registration button the saved multipad will be selected. But, when you tap a style OTS button that button will tell your keyboard to change your mutpipad back to the default style multipad.


Either create multiple registration banks for example with bank 1 being OTS 1 with the multipad you prefer, bank 2 with OTS 2 and the same multipad that you like and so on


you could change the OTS by saving your style with a different multipad on all 4 OTS buttons


you could use and setup the Freeze button on your keyboard to prevent the multipad from changing ( push direct acces button and the freeze button and decide what you would like to "freeze"

* Using the latter: do not forget you froze the multipad or you will wonder why that !%^@#$ multipad won't change ;)




Thank you so much Xeenix
Solutions I hadn't thought of
Think I will go with the freeze button although that could be a real problem in the middle of a performance
Need to post myself a big note I think
Thank you again for your help. This forum is amazing

Fred Smith

Quote from: ritahelen on Aug 18, 2019, 06:18 PM
Think I will go with the freeze button although that could be a real problem in the middle of a performance
Need to post myself a big note I think

That's why either of Peter's first two options are better. You really should explore them. Your life will be a lot simpler if you use only registrations.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Thank you Fred

Maybe I will explore 1 and 2 options however I don't quite get how No 2 works
Can that be explained any other way please


Fred Smith

Quote from: ritahelen on Aug 19, 2019, 12:15 AM
Thank you Fred

Maybe I will explore 1 and 2 options however I don't quite get how No 2 works
Can that be explained any other way please


You create a user style, and use it instead of the preset style. You open up a whole new world of possibilities with user styles.

Load your style.
Load the OTS you want to use.
Load your multipad.
Now press Memory, and the OTS button you loaded in step 2.
Repeat for other OTS buttons if you wish.
Now save the style under whatever name you wish.

Now, when you use this saved style, it will have the multipad you want.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Toril S

Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Sorry but I still cant get this so will go thru the steps Im trying
I have this style on user along with many others
I load it and use the OTS and "B" variation
I load the multi pad I want and press memory to save to the registration bank I want
All is well, but then during performance I like to change up to C and D variations.
This is where the multipad returns to default
Obviously I am doing something wrong
I cannot see how I can repeat to other OTS when saving into a registration bank
Further help for a dummy very much appreciated


It only looks hard but really isn't once you get the hang of it.
Try the following Rita:

1-Load your desired style
2-load variation B and change the multipad to the one you want
3-press the memory button and than press the OTS 2 button. You can save the style when it asks you but you can tell it no till you are done with teh stye.
4-now load var c and pick the multipad you want and press memory and after that Ots button 3
5-repeat the above steps for the other variations that you want to use.
6-Once done with all your changes say yes when the keyboard asks if the styule must be saved and give it a proper name.
7-Remember that the registration you already have is picking the preset style! so... create a new registration now picking the customized style you just created and all will be fine.

Personally I only create custom styles if I really want to change a style permanently. Usually it is much easier to make (temporary)  adjustments and save those to a registration file. Here's how that works:

A-Pick the style you want and choose in your case variation B now change the multipad to the one you want.
B-Press memory and carefully enable all the options you want to save in your registration and disable the stuff you do not want to save (like audio for example)
C-Press variation C and pick the same multipad that you chose for variation B
D-Press memory and than press button 2 (or another empty bank) of the registration you are creating and repeat this procedure for variation D and when wanted variation A
E-Save the newly created registration.

By saving your preferences to a registration you will not have to actually change the preset style and save it as a custom style since that custom style will perhaps be useless to you anyway for other songs. Saving the way your style is set up, whether that is a different multipad or a muted chord1 for example or different drums.... is much easier to do usually,

hope it helps :)


Fred Smith

Quote from: ritahelen on Aug 19, 2019, 05:06 AM
Sorry but I still cant get this so will go thru the steps Im trying
I have this style on user along with many others
I load it and use the OTS and "B" variation
I load the multi pad I want and press memory to save to the registration bank I want
All is well, but then during performance I like to change up to C and D variations.
This is where the multipad returns to default
Obviously I am doing something wrong
I cannot see how I can repeat to other OTS when saving into a registration bank
Further help for a dummy very much appreciated

In addition to Peter's response, it will make your life a whole lot easier to follow his very first piece of advice: use either OTS, or registrations, but not both.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Xeenix and Fred

I have finally got this right thanks to your clear instructions
I wasn't adding in the OTS button after memory as I thought that the OTS button on left side was all that was needed

Looking forward to adding in some extra sounds now
Thank you again