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Genos successors wish LIST (GENOS2)

Started by metcam, Aug 07, 2019, 04:22 AM

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I did not think Korg used Multi Pads.


Almost 150.000 view.
All this wishes will create a real Genos 2 arranger, no one ask for sound except maybe pianos. Sadly ,long way to see this.
For the K-ompetitors a better sound board and the game is over.
And yes, they have Multi Pads.
PSR SX-900; PA 1000; AKX 10


I don't have a Genos anymore but would happily buy a Genos 2 if they include the following:

A 61 key option
An integrated USB Audio interface
Better DAW integration similar to the MODX connect VST plug-in where all settings that are made on the Genos will be saved and transferred to the DAW.

Welcome to Yamaha Beats. Genos and MODX covers on YouTube.

Toril S

Jugge, you sold your Genos? Sad to hear that!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Quote from: Toril S on Mar 02, 2021, 02:41 PM
Jugge, you sold your Genos? Sad to hear that!

Yes, sad but true. I needed something smaller and got a MODX6. It's a great keyboard and I especially like the integration with Cubase, but I do miss the sounds of the Genos and the inspiration I got when playing along with the styles.
Genos have the best "real instrument" sounds I ever heard from a keyboard, so I really hope they will offer a 61 keys version on the next version. I'll be one of the first to pre-order one  ;D
Welcome to Yamaha Beats. Genos and MODX covers on YouTube.

Fred Smith

Quote from: jugge on Mar 03, 2021, 01:54 AM
Yes, sad but true. I needed something smaller and got a MODX6. It's a great keyboard and I especially like the integration with Cubase, but I do miss the sounds of the Genos and the inspiration I got when playing along with the styles.
Genos have the best "real instrument" sounds I ever heard from a keyboard, so I really hope they will offer a 61 keys version on the next version. I'll be one of the first to pre-order one

I don't think you'll get your wish, Jugge.

From what I can see, Yamaha have settled on:
Clavinova is 88 keys
Genos is 76 keys
PSR is 61 keys

Hopefully, there'll be a PSR that meets your standards.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


The SX900 is a very nice keyboard and has a lot of Genos in it.

Jeff Hollande


I fully agree with your statement.
The SX900 is a superb keyboard.
I am very happy with my SX900.

Regards, Jeff Hollande

JohnS (Ugawoga)

Yamaha to make a style maker program that is not rocket science for the many.
EMC Styleworks got pretty close, but went buggo as soon as win 10 came along.
If you can get programs like Cubasis and Cubase 11, surely an easy program for Yamaha style making that does not take hours to make would make sense
People raved about Yamaha XG, so incorporate some of that in Cubase or make a dedicated soft sequencer and sound designer for Yamaha owners
Would all be nice

Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.




Quote from: Seagull29 on Nov 01, 2019, 02:30 PM
just a suggestion but of importance: that the designers of the next Genos think of the blind men ! On the Tyros 5, there were buttons to access the functions but I can not imagine how a blind man  can do with a touch screen!
Greetings and a good week end

PS/ and if possible, a REAL STYLE CREATOR !!!!!!
It's the same here. I am blind, so I can't use the touch screen on the Genos. Luckily, the PSR-SX600 doesn't have a touch screen, so I don't think the Genos 2 should have one.

Another suggestion: On the Genos, right now, I don't think you can record audio directly to a USB flash drive, or have the sounds of the keyboard play on the computer. I'm not sure if this is the case or not, but if not, a built-in audio interface to record keyboard sounds is a great idea for the future.

Toril S

Guys, the Genos and SX keyboards have VoiceGuide, so yes, they can be used by blind men - and women😀 It is not optimal, but Yamaha will develope it further. There are several blind or low vision people here, me included.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Hi everybody,

My suggestions Genos 2.

•   12" tiltable High Definition screen
•   More onboard memory

Multi Pads
•   6 Multi Pads
•   Each pad to have on/off "one press" capability (rather than two presses or work arounds)

New Functions
•   Ability to convert midi files to styles

•   New sleek black metallic look.
•   Non fade operating buttons.
•   Do not discolor the area around the buttons

•   external screen display - JPG, PDF, BMP - Ex .: printed sheet music.

Midi player
•   double sequencer

Drum set
•   multiple REVO drums - e.g., Standard, Dance, Folk, Live,

Slide potentiometers
•   self-adjusting motor knobs




Has anyone any idea when the new Genos will be available?

Fred Smith

Quote from: DaveD on May 01, 2021, 09:29 AM
Has anyone any idea when the new Genos will be available?

A couple of years is my bet.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Gunnar Jonny

Quote from: Fred Smith on May 01, 2021, 01:02 PM
A couple of years is my bet.

If ever. 🤔
We, the older arrangerplayers is about to be a rare population. So much happening in the electronic music world nowadays, and the next step is probably something that really aim at the young ones. It's about business. Most likely, it's not autoarranger keyboards.....
it make me happy to see that more and more youngsters tend to learn play classic different instruments, such as piano, guitar, violin, brass etc. 🎵🎹🎵
Cheers & Happy Playing. 🍷 🎶🎵
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)


Hi Community, I'm a hobbyist player and a proud Genos owner. I'm not a musician (not making money out of music) but have a software development background. I usually read this forum and learn from it and hopefully got to the point when I can also contribute.

After owning Genos for about two years I've got mixed feelings about this keyboard. On one hand - I like a lot its sounds and the plethora of styles provided by the community, on the other hand, I see that in some places it's rather an "unfinished" product, or at least there is room for improvement in many areas.
Since I do believe Yamaha reads this respected forum, hopefully, they'll also come across this post and will take into consideration the items I'll raise here :)

I also won't talk about things that are obviously bugs and should be fixed, only RFE (requests for enhancements). I also won't mention here the obviously "big things" (those requiring a really big investment and a significant development effort), and will rather concentrate on relatively small (well some are not that small) purely software updates that "conceptually" probably can be done even in firmware upgrades (of course I don't know how its implemented under the hood so I can't say for sure, it's just my feeling)

Also some disclaimers:
English is not my native language, so I apologize in advance if I've made my points not clear enough. I'll be happy to monitor this thread and explain myself better if needed
I also realize that some of these points might have been raised already by other users.

Anyway, I came up with 30 items for Yamaha :)
So here I go:

I'll start with a style creator. This feature alone can be improved a lot even with software updates I believe

  • Event editor - solo mode. When I edit, say drums I can certainly choose "solo" and turn off (mute) other channels to see how it sounds, however when I enter the event editor - for some reason, this solo-mode gets "canceled" and all the tracks start playing - I think this is wrong and we should (preferably from the step editor window itself) be able to switch on the "solo mode" for the instrument that is being edited right now
  • Event editor - Filtering by note range/mask. Step editor has a filtering ability - we can show/hide controllers, notes, etc. However what if I want to see only certain notes. Example. I have a Drums track that goes like C, F#, F#, F# | C F# F# F# (two bars). Now I would like to see only a note "F#" because I want to change, say its length across the whole variation. I could "Filter by note range" and then use the multi-select feature to achieve what I want. Of course, in this case, I could go manually one by one over six notes, but in more sophisticated cases it way less convenient
  • Event editor - more convenient editing of specific notes. Now to me, this is kind of confusing. Yahama has introduced the touch screen, which is great for most people I believe, so why not utilize its power? For example: if I navigate to a certain note/note parameter (a cell in the grid is a technical term for this I think), why I have to consequently press those "on-screen" arrows - I kind of cursor-based navigation implementation from the previous "non-touch" era? Why not simply touching the required field and move the "focus" there right away?
  • Event Editor - inputting the data in a more convenient manner. This is a "continuation" from the previous user story. Let's say I want to change the length of a certain note. So I navigated to the relevant cell. But now I'm stuck with the wheel / or by pressing hardware buttons. In previous models, we had +10/-10 change rate, but I haven't found any way of doing this in the Genos. Ok, maybe I've missed something here, but in addition to this, why not provide an ability to enter the desired number right away (a simple widget with numbers and "Enter"). IMO Yamaha could support both ways of modification (also to keep pleased the users that came from the previous models and to take advantage of the new methods)
  • Event editor - Multi-Select function - introduce absolute/relative modes to edit different parameters at once. Here is an example of what I mean. If I have, say 8 notes, all with velocity 50 and I want to set them to, say, 70 - I can use a multi-selection mode to do so. However, what if out of these 8 notes, the recorded velocities are, say, 50,45,50,45,... If my goal is to "select" them all in a multi-selection mode and assign them the value of 70, I can't really achieve that easily. If multi-selection could work in "absolute" mode - it could be way easier to work with it.
  • Allow a "staff view" in the style editor. Sometimes it's way easier to see the staff representation than the list of events like in the event editor. Since there is already an implemented module for "rendering" the midi sequence as a staff - it could be great to see it integrated into the style creator as well.
  • Style creator overall. Utilize A-F buttons. I understand the idea of making fewer hardware buttons due to the touchscreen - Great. But currently, even existing buttons A-F that could be extremely convenient  - they just don't work when we enter the style creator. I've assigned the button F to turn off touch sensitivity because sometimes in the style creation mode I've found it easier to enter all the notes with the same velocity, but I have to "remember" to do that before I enter the style creator. Another example - on Genos there is no dedicated "Mixer" button, so I've assigned "A" button to call up the mixer. However, it doesn't work (direct access + variation is another way to call it) but it's all about usability. I understand that some of the functions that the user has assigned might not be applicable in the style creation mode, however, how about make this mapping dynamic, namely introduce an ability to assign functions that are applicable in the style creator to A-F buttons so that they'll keep working.
  • Style Creator - quantization during the recording. When we start to record it could be great to add a quantization facility so that the recorded notes would be quantized

  • Auditioning of different chords within the style creator. Currently, if we want to listen to how the recorded part sounds when I play different chords - I have to exit the style creator first, If I would like to change something there, I'll enter the style creator again. So entering-exiting the style creator, while I'm in the edition, sounds conceptually wrong, I believe all the auditions should be in place. One way to achieve that is merely providing an "audition" button (on screen, or if item 7 was implemented mapping to the A-F button).
  • Style creator support for "Mix-in" track. Sometimes I would like to record Kick on one track (Rhythm 2) and snare on Track 1 (to keep it simple for the sake of example). So I edit both and now would like to merge them onto one track. The "reverse" operation of extracting certain parts (note filter) to a different track could be also useful.

  • More "overall track manipulation functions" in style creator mode: stuff like provide crescendo on bars 1-2 of the recorded part.
  • Introduce the concept of a clipboard for midi events. Now this feature alone could be way more powerful than the existing copy bars. It's more global than the style creator module, but I still think I can list it there. We could say, enter the multi-pad editor or even open up a midi right on the instrument, then copy midi events into the global clipboard and paste it in the style creation mode. The same could work the other way around - so that we could create a multi-pad part out of the style track
  • Add an ability to create custom arpeggio - I know many users have requested it.
  • If the previous item is implemented - a style creator / multi-pad creator could be used to implement "create a track from arpeggio". An ability to create style / multi-pad tracks from an existing arpeggio is still welcome and has its own merits, but why not taking a step further?
  • Add CASM editor in the style creator. The situation where there are some third-party solutions for the operations that power users do anyway is kind of crazy considering the price of the keyboard. I know many people have requested it, so I'll just add up my vote :)
  • The previous feature (CASM editor) could come with an ability to assign channels 1-8 to some parts and it could be reflected in the UI of the style creator as well.
  • Guitar mode improvement. The decision to assign notes D,E,F,G,A,B to mimic guitar strings leads to the (I can't find the right word in English) - probably maybe "cacophony" in the sound of the recorded guitar part. Of course, we can get accustomed to it, but it's confusing at least... Ideally, the guitar mode like it exists in "KO**" competitor brand could be a step in the right direction, but the current implementation doesn't really help much IMHO.
  • Better implementation of multi pads creation module. Basically, as I see it the same editing (including quantization, partial copying of certain bars, etc) that are available (or could be available ;) ) in the style creator mode could be also applicable in the multi-pad editor.
  • Song sequencer - probably is also subject to the integration of the same features like I've described above. I personally don't use it much because it's too limited in functionality. I see it equal in editing capabilities to the style creator.
  • Live performance improvement. Manual bass is one such feature: All the tracks of the style being played remain the same, but the bass goes to "manual mode", the left part could be automatically switched to the "voice" of that bass (with optionally assigned effects and everything) and let the performer play the bass part by itself. Again could be done as a dedicated button in future models or at least provide an ability to assign to one of the existing buttons (like was done with the "Fade" function)
  • Multipad better operability. Ok, it might be subjective, but stopping the multi-pad by pressing "stop" and the multi-pad button itself while holding the "stop" button, during the live play is really hard.
    As an alternative why not simply:
    - Single click - start the multi-pad
    - Click it again - turn it off
    - Double click - sync mode
    - Stop button - stop all the multi-pads that are being currently played.
  • Improve the UI of multi-effects assigned to the same part. Since it is technically possible to assign more than one effect to the part, it should be reflected in UI. Currently, the UI is rather limited as it is able to show only one effect. Now If it's musically unreasonable (I personally don't have a use case for it, but I'm not a pro player as I said) - then do not allow multi-effects assigned to the same voice part...
  • Search Improvement. Currently, we have the ability to search "overall" (I the index file I assume). And the results are 10 first pages of entries - whatever it is, styles, voices, whatever. However how about letting the users specify the place where to search (in a specific folder, user memory, USB drive, in expansions, etc)?
  • Search improvement - clean up / rebuild the index. Ok, this is a kind of advanced feature and I realize that the synthesizer has a background process that rebuilds the index of the found items however in cases we change connect/disconnect the USB or changing it we could have an option to clean up the cache to avoid showing stale results.
  • Navigation - sorting support. Currently, the found items are sorted by name, but maybe we could sort by modification date, Icon, or preset first than items found in user, and then found in expansion memory...
  • Navigation - unified categorization between Present styles as User styles / Expansion styles. Similar to the Icons - we could be able to name (or specify internally in the style) the category/genre of the style so that the tabs-per-genre will be accessible also for user styles or expansion. The same is applicable to the voices of course
  • Give access to all the icons that are supported in the synthesizer anyway.

  • The Capital Letter in the keyboard issue - I'm sure many users have complained about that - to put it simply: when we enter the first capital letter the second letter should be regular automatically - all the phones/tablets work this way, so probably the synthesizer also should catch up :)
  • Allow seeing/editing parts of the preset style. The current situation is that the users try to "unlock" the style to allow its editing anyways, so probably Yamaha could consider changing its policy when it comes to the preset styles. So I can understand that idea of protecting the preset styles from rewriting - ok, but why not let the user copy the style to the user area or USB and allow the editing/style assembly function from the preset styles - this is something that I think could be improved.
  • More clear flow of saving the "registration memory" bank - currently it's rather confusing and It took me some time to understand how to use it. One suggestion is "Init new registration memory bank" (a clear one). Then button "save as" - and that's it.

Faithfully yours,


Genos 2 ★ Genos ver.3.0 ★ 20 Wish list for new features at Yamaha Genos by Casper

Best regards!
Curent Instruments:  PSR A-5000
Previus instruments:SX-900,GENOS,PSR-A3000,PSR9000,Tyros2,Tyros3,TYROS5,psr2000,psr2100,psr1500,psr530,psr OR700,DX7,DX11,V50,DX21.
KORG:pa800,KORG PA-900,Triton Extreme,Triton rack,.KORG X3,Roland G600.Roland


Quote from: Mark on May 19, 2021, 01:10 AM

After owning Genos for about two years I've got mixed feelings about this keyboard. On one hand - I like a lot its sounds and the plethora of styles provided by the community, on the other hand, I see that in some places it's rather an "unfinished" product, or at least there is a place for improvement in many areas.
Since I do believe Yamaha reads this respected forum, hopefully, they'll also come across this post and will take into consideration the items I'll raise here :)

Hello Mark!

It will never be fully finished!
Congratulations on the points raised, I agree with everything you mentioned here.

When word fail, Music speaks!


Dear community,

I'll try to continue with the list of possible improvements of the instrument in the areas I've encountered.
Since I'm not a professional musician I don't really spend too much time with the instrument (I wish I had more time for it ;) )
I'm probably using around 40-50% of what this machine has inside (or maybe even less),
so I can talk only about the features I actually use.

Don't get me wrong, I do think that Genos is great (after all I've preferred it over other brands) and really like the product
so I'm sharing this list of possible improvements because sharing stuff like this can only benefit if Yamaha's representatives will
come over this list and will borrow some ideas from here.
I know that in the world of software development companies that stand behind the product maintain "official" bug tracking systems where the users can
submit found bugs, suggest/ask for enhancements, then people vote for the most "important" fixes/features they're interested in,
there are discussions around the features, the representatives of the company that actually develops the product provide feedback, participate in
these discussions - an entirely different reality.
I might be too "spoiled" and apparently, this is not what's happening in the world of keyboards (and I can only dream about this come true)
And I see that this place is probably the only way to share my thoughts as a regular user.

So again, I'll suggest possible improvements some of them can probably be done in the update,
others will require re-considering the style format
but nothing really ground-breaking - everything can be done at the level of the synthesizer itself I hope.
I also didn't really mention integration with the PC (including DAW and expansions)
because IMHO it's really a more professional thing
and I feel that I'm not really qualified enough to talk about these aspects of the instrument.

I might be missing some points - in this case, I would love to know that the items I'm talking about are really a non-issue and
there are easy solutions for that.

Anyways, here is a list of 15 additional suggestions.

  • Humanization in style creator
    Sometimes when we use a "step record" function the outcome sounds too robotic.
    It could be great if there was a "humanization" - something that can be applied only on one track
    and randomly change the time of the note and the note length.
    This could be implemented as a 'screen' in the style creator
    with a parameter of max offset length (the more allowed offset is
    the more skew from the original fully quantized part)

  • Style Creator Guitar mode -
    Since it's known that the part can be divided into up to 3 zones and for each of the zones we can assign NTR/NTT, RTR parameters
    It could be great to make this expressed in the style creator. Otherwise its kind of tricky to use various noises available in guitars

  • Ostinato support
    This is an interesting use case and I imagine the implementation might be somewhat "advanced".
    Sometimes the melodic parts can remain the same despite the chord change.
    One "straightforward" example from the modern music
    is Dua Lipa's Physical song where right from the beginning there is a "synthesizer" part
    that doesn't change whereas the chords progression goes like Am, F, C, G
    (well it changes slightly for the G part, but you know what I mean).
    I could use Root Fixed/Bypass probably to write it "as is" but this would mean
    that the part is "coupled to":
    - Chord progression (with other chords it probably will sound weird)
    - A particular scale
    At this point, I might be missing something
    but I've tried to make it and couldn't find a good way to do so (If it's possible with the current style creator - please
    let me know and I'll remove this item).

    Now the purpose as I see it is to make this part at least playable in different scales, and since it's supposed to be a "song style"
    probably it's kind of ok to make it bound to the particular chord progression.
    So the implementation of this feature would get as an input the "Ostinato" part and the desired chord progression
    and would "transform" the Root Fixed/Bypass NTR/NTT to something that doesn't depend on the scale.
    Something like DJ styles but for one particular part.
    An alternative is specifying right at the beginning of the part that this is how it's "meant to be played" when the first chord of the variation is Am. Then if the player will choose to play the variation in a different scale, the style engine would read this "label" calculate the difference and transpose all the notes in accordance with this kind of shift.

  • Style creator - save custom drum kits.
    This feature can be a really good addition to the idea of creating custom drum kit sets.
    Ok, I'm an amateur, but I assume that people who usually create the styles of the same genre have their preferred sound of kicks,
    snares, toms, etc. So giving an ability to save the custom drum kit that they prepare once would be really nice.
    I know it's possible to make an expansion sound of a drum kit, but I'm talking about the custom voices that can be done
    in the instrument itself.

  • Style creator - trigger parts by velocity threshold
    The feature is simple:
    If I play forte in the left hand, the style engine could turn on some additional parts. Maybe tutti or additional hi-hat if Yamaha will
    take it to another level and will allow this feature on drum kit per specific note and not just per the whole variation.
    Probably people will have to get used to it, but in some situations, it can be handy

  • Style creator
    Style assembly - copy at the level of bars and not the whole parts.
    Allow copying say bars 3,4 from somewhere into the current style
    Also, allow specifying target bars to copy to. Like "I would like to copy into bars 1-2 of the current variation that in general
    has a length of 4 bars"

  • Style creator copy/clear bars for all tracks at once.
    Here is an example that illustrates this use case.
    Let's say I have a variation of 8 bars, and I decide to shorten the variation by preserving bars 5-8 and erasing bars 1-4 altogether.
    So currently I have to do something like this:
    - Clear Bars 1 - 4 for each track
    - Copy  Bars 5 - 8 --> 1 - 4 for each track
    - Shorten the variation length
    Now this "for each track" thing is kind of annoying and allowing to make this kind of operations on the whole variation
    at once could make our lives a little bit better

  • Style creator - introduce chord variations in the style.
    I know that pretty much all competitor platforms allowed this modification. In "KO**" I know such a feature exists for ages and
    it allows 6 chord variations right as a part of the style. In Yamaha, it's also kind of possible by using channels 1-8 but
    in this case, the synthesizer doesn't allow any control on this. And since many professional styles (those done by Yamaha themselves)
    utilize this capability, we also would like to take advantage of this technique.
    Well, many people will say that style format is something that can't be easily changed -
    I understand that, but on the other hand
    SFF2 (AFAIK the last modification in style format) was introduced in Tyros 3 release in 2008 and now we're in 2021 -
    so maybe its time to move forward :)

  • Style Creator - track transpose (octave shift).
    Imagine that we record a track with different notes, usually in one octave
    C0, C0, E0, E0, G0 G0, A0, A0
    Now When I hear the track with this function I could move all the notes at once one octave up/down.
    For example, I could "apply" the function and the whole part would look like
    C1, C1, E1, E1, G1 G1, A1, A1
    Currently, I have to do it one-by-one for each note in the Step Edit window

  • Mixing - track transpose (octave shift)
    Just like the previous item but allowing it outside style creator, in the mixer.
    I know that we can shift octaves for right-hand parts,
    why not allow that for style parts (excluding drums/percussions of course)

  • Mixing - allow access to mixing individual keys in drum kits right from the mixer without the need to enter the style creator
    I think this feature can be handy for 3 different reasons
    1. Can be convenient during the live play sessions
    2. When We create a style and audition it - we have to do it outside the style creator, only because it's more convenient.
       I watched a great tutorial by Manoj on youtube where he suggests auditioning within style creator, and I realize that
       its the best we can do now, but then again, I assume that most of the people who create styles really know how to play
       different types of chord, and just pressing the right notes to audition the chord would be much easier for them.
    3. Conceptually it can be viewed as a part of a mixing process.

  • Better visibility of multi-pads.
    To put it simply - How can I see which sound is used when the particular multi-pad bank is selected?

  • An ability to easily assign an effect to the multi-pad. I know that we could utilize a variation effect for multi-pads.
    But since Genos has enough processing power to handle 28 insert effects simultaneously, it could be great if
    one of those insert effects could be assigned to multi-pads right through the mixer.

  • Favorites - introduce folders
    This one is really small but convenient.
    The "favorites" feature introduced in Genos and SX700/900 series AFAIK is really nice - I use it a lot when I want to create a style and
    I pick voices that might be a good fit for different tracks, then I chose one inside the style creator.
    Now, if we have more than one project to work on simultaneously, it could be great to allow custom folders in Favourites view.
    Pretty much like it was done in all the browsers. In other words, the structure of favorites can be hierarchical rather than flat.

  • Allow simple and fast access to the USB flash memory from both PC and Genos.
    Currently, in order to copy from the PC to the keyboard I'm aware of the following ways:
    - Use Yamaha Downloader software - well this one is pretty outdated and its UI is really awkward + is so slow
    - Use USB Storage Mode - this mode, in general, is great but it requires turning on / off the instrument
       so it's not really useful if I want to copy back and forth files during the work
    - Unplug the USB from the synthesizer and plug it into a PC, copy my stuff, then put it back into the synthesizer.
       This works of course, but I think (and hope) Yamaha can do better than the manual solution :)
    - Somewhat creative solution: Use a USB hub that allows access to the same USB drive from 2 computers. Pretty much like a KVM switch -
       with one click of the button PC gets the access to USB, then when we press it again - Genos gains access, etc.
       Like This item for example (Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login) (Disclaimer - I'm not affiliated with this company or something,
       I've just bought this device and it works for me, probably there are other similar products that will also do the job just fine)
    I might be missing something, but AFAIK, there is no way to grant access to a USB device plugged into Genos from PC so that
    PC will "recognize" Genos without a need to restart the instrument in "USB storage mode".

Thanks and regards,


Quote from: EileenL on Feb 01, 2021, 05:45 PM
I did not think Korg used Multi Pads.

I just checked the flagship Korg Pa4x. I'd never even thought about it, but yes, there *are* 4 buttons called "Pads"; works quite well too... of the 4 simultaneous, you can swap which ones you want by tapping on the touchscreen. On Yamaha of course, you can run 4 different ones from 4 different MP patterns, but there's no visual confirmation of what you're playing.

Being able to see on screen that MP1 is a bassline, MP2 is a latin drum loop, MP3 is a piano arpeggiator and MP4 is a guitar strummer *is* a feature I'd definitely want to see on future Yamahas (currently you can only see the last selected Yamaha MP set, not necessarily what the other 3 multipads are playing). I will bring this up next time I talk to them,


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Mark Wilburn

JohnS (Ugawoga)

Another big handy thing would be to load as many sounds on USB and load what you want to use on to the Genos 3.
This in other words,able to load your own samples which can be megabyte hungry one at a time without having to make a base file and import packs quick install incrementally.
Just would be nice just to import Sf2 sound files separately without having to reformat.
A better Yem would be nice to. Looks like a ZX Spectrum program :D :D :D

Also a pro score reader
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.

Toril S

I wish Genos2 could be 61 keys, but don't think that will happen. It would then be much more convenient to take out on gigs!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page

Jeff Hollande

I fully agree with Toril.🤓

Yamaha has to produce a Genos2 61 and a Genos2 76.

Regards, JH


Fred Smith

Quote from: Jeff Hollande on Jul 20, 2021, 04:53 AM
I fully agree with Toril.🤓

Yamaha has to produce a Genos2 61 and a Genos2 76.

Regards, JH

Won't happen. Clavinova is 88 keys, Genos 76, PSR 61.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


SX series is the 61 note version.

Jeff Hollande

I feel sorry Yamaha will never produce a 61 keys Genos version.

I am living in a small apartment, no room for a 76 k keyboard though.
It is what it is.
I have to accept it.

Best regards, JH


I am completely happy with the size of the Genos. It is only 94 mm wider than Tyros5-61 (but 113 mm less than Tyros5-76!).

I don't think Yamaha will produce a Genos successor in two different versions (like the Tyros5).

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Toril S

I have them both, and you are right chris, the Genos is lighter than the T5-61. I am happy with it, but the people driving me to gigs all have small cars, so I tend to end up taking my PSR 975!!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page