Genos as a MIDI controller with MusicLab VSTis - recording via MIDI into Cubase

Started by Depo1964, Aug 02, 2019, 02:57 PM

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Anyone using your Genos with any MusicLab VST plugins, for instance, with RealGuitarClassic?
I'm not having any success with setting up MIDI in the Genos to recognize RealGuitar's Key Switches.


Yes, GENOS (and all Tyros's) works fine with a DAW.  I use Logic Pro.  Record your Chord Detect track, in your DAW..  Set your DAW to send midi clock out, and send Chord Detect track on track 2, and set up Genos to detect MIDI track 2, and to receive clock from your DAW.  Your DAW will now drive your Genos..

I use this to record a lot of parts from Genos, using different styles.  The nice aspect of this is that you can switch between the four MAINS at different times from different styles from different instruments.

I sometimes record 4 bass parts from Genos, then cut, paste in my DAW to make a truly unique part. 

It takes a bit of time to figure it out for your system, your, DAW..  You can use GENOS parts to drive any virtual instrument. 

Music lab needs two  parts, the chords themselves, and the control parts.  (very low notes).  I use the Pattern feature a lot.  The added advantage of VSTS is that you can take the midi out, and drive other virtual instruments, not just a guitar. 