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A question about the genos gain

Started by JohnS (Ugawoga), Aug 03, 2022, 05:32 AM

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Quote from: MadrasGiaguari on Aug 06, 2022, 07:28 PM
Hello Eileen,

you said: "I record everything live to Midi on my Genos....and then record into Audio"

Do you mean that after recorded in Midi (and after all adjustments) you CONVERT the Midi file ito a n Audio file? If this is the case, how can you do that on Genos? ...

Hi Angelo,

A MIDI file cannot be "converted" to Audio. What Eileen means is that you play the MIDI file in question on the Genos as usual and record it at the same time with the Genos Audio Recorder (as John described).

Best regards,

● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


For whatever is worth, a while back, I made backing tracks on my Tyros in midi, then I just played them back on the Tyros to back up my vocals (if you play them on another instrument they will sound different)  I started recording in waves using Sonar.  At those times computer crashed a lot.  disgusted with it I went back to the multitrack recorder.

Now I have a great little mixer with a multitrack recorder in it.
I send the right hand on a different line out of the Genos, the microphone with harmonies from the GENOS on another out.  I also record another microphone dry, but I sing  with the effects on.  Two video cameras also record the audio and videos.

I upload everything in my Sony Vegas video program and edit.  Usually i do nothing to the keyboard sound, sometimes remove a mistake of my right hand or lower volume.  The vocals is another story.

I use REGISTRATIONS,  I do a lot of work on the GENOS to make them sound at about the same volume, without clipping,  I use the genos on board mixer to balance the style to my liking.  So when I play live I only think about performing after the initial sound set-up.

I hope this helps.