A directory for: Style->Song list

Started by Cardoso, Jul 31, 2019, 04:27 PM

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Hi everybody,
I would like to see some list/directory maybe in the main Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login page, that will be updated regularly with a list of songs that match very well a certain style.
More precisely for each style, a list of songs that go well with that style, maybe it could include the style download.
Does this makes any sense to you guys?

best regards,

Ed B

Keep on learning


Also, don't forget the Gig Disks, which I created many years ago.

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...


I agree with Alvaro
It's the first place I go to when starting a new song.
Mostly the song I'm doing is not there
So, maybe a master MF, updated regularly, is the answer,
Would that be keyboard specific MF or a general keyboard MF



What you are asking for is already here .... as that is what this part our forum is used for.

There is no master list of song styles and can't be one ... because there are many different versions of the classic songs. Everybody's taste in music is different and when you request a style here you can receive many different ideas to be used to play the tune.

IMHO there are only 5 or 6 styles that come with these keyboards that can be use to play a song all the way through using it. The majority of the styles are set up to sound like parts of songs but you will have to tweak the style to make it really usable for playing the full song.

If you want the most out of your arranger, you have to learn how to arrange with it.  ;)
