Style favorites

Started by gskip, Jul 17, 2019, 11:27 AM

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Has anybody used this feature?
I have saved a preset style to favorites, but when I tried to save a user style, the "star" icon was grayed out on File Edit.
Am I missing something?


Hi Skip,

Unfortunately, what you (and every one else) is missing, is Yamaha's apparent reluctance (or inability?) to update the 'favorites' function to allow user styles as well as presets to be added to the favorites list!

I assume that the current function just holds the internal style ID number, whereas extending it to include user styles would require it to store the actual file name and full path to where the style is stored.

This is what is done in a registration for example, so it is not impossible to do, but since even after multiple firmware updates there is no sign of the function being modified, I suspect that we are stuck with it in it's current 'half finished' form!  :'(

At least there is the 'search' function, or of course you could always create a folder called 'My Favorites' or whatever, on the user drive and copy the styles into it.  It would take up more space than an entry in the favorites list since each entry would be an actual style file, but with 58 GB available on the user drive alone, this should not be a problem for most people.




I like many others over time have collected and tweaked many styles. I created a Folder marked styles and within that created Sub Folders with the style type names such as Ballad Country Latin etc. They are then easy to find. I also make a folder called Favorites and the ones I use most I save into this one from the others. It is then just as easy to find as the on board Favorite's.
  We can't always have all the things we want on our keyboards but there are always work arounds.