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Small glitch ?

Started by Georgeandmarj, Jul 09, 2019, 09:26 AM

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Hi all.  I've recently installed 1.40 update no problems till now. I was playing happily using a registration, when in mid song, the volumes all faded slowly, I had the volume tabs on screen and all went to zero.  I tried pressing a different registration but it seemed to make no difference,also i tried raising the volume bars with no success. I switched off then on and all ok played for an hour . Any ideas what I did wrong.


Sounds like you may have pressed the fade button by accident. I have assigned mine to Button F on the gateway buttons.



I think it is the midi-file
There are perhaps controllers in the file that gives that command
Check the midi file for those commands and removes them



Hi, I can't find where the fade is,it is exactly like the fade was on my tyros, I don't know how to access fade, I don't use midi files it's beyond me.


start the midi stop when the fade start
go to song edit and look in the tracks on that point
if there are controllers or sysex commands remove then




Perhaps the registration that you were using at the time was memorised with the fade function assigned to a foot pedal, and you inadvertently pressed the pedal which triggered the fade.

You could check the registration bank that you were using with Murray Best's 'Yamaha Registration Manager' program (download link: ), or you could post the reg. bank for someone here to look at for you.




you can also test the style you use in the reg,
start playing test all the style variations knobs
there are endings with a fade out



Hi ,lot of good tips to check, my first task is to find the fade out.

Al Ram

I had the same or similar problem and reported it on another post.  (see post below)

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After a while, the problem went away by itself.   I have not been able to replicate the problem.

In Genos there is no Fade in/out button like in Tyros.   It is an assignable function . . .  in other words you have to assign it to one of the buttons.   (example assign to one of the buttons A to F). 

San Diego/Tijuana


Hi all, eureka Eileen was right I found the assignable button setting and I find that I have assigned fade out to button D . I must have touched this as  I was trying to access A . I think it's been operator error. Thanks to everyone for steering me to the right solution. This is a great site.


I selected the F button as I will remember F stands for Fade. Anything for an easy life. ;)


Hi Eileen, that sounds like a sensible idea. I have no recollection of selecting the button , perhaps it's the normal position. Thanks again.