Please help driving me mad

Started by markchapman1976, Jun 29, 2019, 04:04 PM

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 Hi when I save a style to a registration and then save the bank and name it, when I click on other registrations where I have unticked the style box, the accomplishment button still remains on. Can anybody please tell me why this is so and what I'm doing wrong please? Thanks


I meant accompaniment button sorry.


On the registration edit screen under info I have a folder named that I don't want and I've deleted it but it keeps reappearing under same name. In fact it appears under many different registrations in first column under 'name' on info screen so I imagine this has something to do with it but unsure what or how to resolve.


In a registration, the on/off status of the Accompaniment button is one of the parameters saved as part of the Style group.

If you want a registration to turn ACMP off, you need to memorise a reg. with the ACMP button turned off and the Style group checked!  This reg. will then include the status of the ACMP button as off and turn it off whenever you select that reg.

If you don't include the Style group, how do you expect the reg. to know that you want to change something relating to the style, which in this case is turn off ACMP?




Hi Ian yes this makes sense lol. I never tick style box unless I'm using a style but this sounds good thanks. It's amuses me how registration still remain the number one mystery for many including me sometimes.


This grouping of things in registrations in particular is sometimes quite non intuitive, and a bit illogical. I think fingering and split are also in the style group for example. Things you have to know and remember rather than can work out.