Wind_8_Beat_SP.S268 for tyros 5

Started by dean34827, Jun 20, 2019, 04:27 PM

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Nobody does it better
Song for Guy
Last farewell

We hope you enjoy our registrations
To load - put this file onto your USB Stick.
Insert into your Tyros 5
Press button J on the screen
Use the tab buttons to move to USB1
You will see the file Wind 8 Beat SP
Press the button on the screen next to the title.
Now on the Tyros mail panel just next the the Data Entry dial - press any of the 1-8 registration buttons. You will now hear the registrations.
1-4 build up in intensity 1 & 2 for verse, 3 & 4 for Chorus
5-8 build up in intensity 5 & 6 for verse, 7 & 8 for Chorus

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