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Music finder and Band in a box

Started by Spring Bui, Jun 16, 2019, 05:28 PM

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Spring Bui

Hi every one,

1/ I dont know any thing about the music finder. I have PSR S970. Please any one show me how to use.

2/ Can we use the styles of yamaha keyboard to midi file taken out from Band in a Box. How to set up to pkat with yamaha keyboard after copy out from computer.

3/ Whether we can increase the memory inside the psr s970 instead of USB?

Very happy to receiving your instruction and really appreciated your help.



Ed B

First on the Music Finder check the tutorial on our main site:
If this is not clear come back
No you can not use Band in a Box styles directly these need conversion but before you go to that trouble check the styles that are available for your keyboard from many of the higher priced keyboards they are fabulous:
There are also many other song specific styles as well that are contained in other collections as well.
The internal memory in the 970 if fixed and can not to be increased however there is no problem with the USB flash drive.
Hope this helps.
Ed B
Keep on learning

Spring Bui

Hi Ed.B

Thank you very much for your help. Going back to my questions

1/ I will look at it as being instructed. I heard a lot people mentioned music finder while I don't have any glue.

2/ I think you misunderstood me. I ask whether we can use Yamaha styles with notes inserted into band in box. Your answer is opposite way. I think you can help me out.

3/ I some times fed up to save songs into USB drive. Please note that I arrange music for choir ( Music background ), very often I have to back up if being warned NOT ENOUGH MEMORY.

Again thank you very much.



Music Finder is just a list of song titles that will select a style thought suitable for that song and use voices in OTS settings. Something I have never found that useful much prefer to select my own style and set to registration banks.

Spring Bui

Hi Eileen,

Thank you very much for your reply. I think the same as you do.
I arrange the music for choir, and sometime its hard to retrieve the styles or information. It takes quite a long time for me to find a suitable styles for a particular song.

I just wonder whether I can have that information on the screen ( Not in MFD ). Last night I worked on this issue but on screen it stated : Song was lost or something .... I cant play my song from music finder. Please note that everysong I made I save it in a selected folder. How can we see all songs in MFD. Please help. Highly appreciated. Thank you



MFD does not locate songs ... it is only tied to a style. the style can be a preset, or a saved one in the USER area or on your USB stick.

Once you create a Song arrangement for your choir, you have to SAVE it to a USB stick. Just make a fold on your USB stick, name it something like .. choir music. Save your finish song in there with its name. All the songs in the folder will be in alphabet order.



I sometimes think that the wrong words were used to describe Music Finder as it dose not find songs.
All it dose is show song titles and set up what style it thinks will go with the suggested title.
  If you are setting up a Performance then you are far better doing this through registration banks.
Firstly Make a folder on your USB called Performance and in this you will save the styles you are going to Use. Select these from the folder and then create your Registration which when finished you will save back to the Performance folder with the name of the song.
  This way always easy to find as well as the styles you use.