Mustang Sally Style (T4)....

Started by Halesowen Kid, Jun 12, 2019, 04:09 AM

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Halesowen Kid

Hi Guys,

I would be grateful if someone will share with me please the style (T4) for "Mustang Sally".

Thank you in advance.




Heej Mike,

Here's my version of Mustang Sally.

Have fun <> Piet

[attachment deleted by admin]
Yamaha Tyros 4 - Yamaha KX 25 - Gem WSII module

Halesowen Kid


Roger Brenizer

I've attached several styles for you to try, Mike.  :)

[attachment deleted by admin]
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Halesowen Kid



Use the Blues Rock style in your keyboard, tempo of 120, "D" variation. Works like a charm!

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...

Halesowen Kid



Another style you can try is Gospel Brothers Variation A.

Cheers, RL

Halesowen Kid
