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how to register original songs ?

Started by Al Ram, May 25, 2019, 12:04 AM

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Al Ram


My 30 year old son has some original songs he has composed and producing . . lyrics, melody, arrangement, etc.

He asked me but I did not know . . . so i am asking here . . .

Anyone knows how to register songs ?   
a) USA
b) Mexico
c) internationally
d) all of the above

The idea of course is to protect his rights before publish/distribution.

Your expertise is welcome.

thanks in advance.
San Diego/Tijuana


In the U.S., you can register original works using the U.S. copyright office website of Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
Current: Yamaha PSR-E433 (x2), Roland GAIA SH-01, Casio CDP-200R, Casio MT-68 (wired to bass pedals)
Past: Yamaha PSR-520, PSR-510, PSR-500, DX-7, D-80 home organ, and a few Casios