Make my PSR-S910 to behave as a midi controller (focused on buttons)

Started by eriveraa, May 21, 2019, 09:00 AM

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Hi, i would like my S910 to behave as a midi controller (like Akai, Novation, Nektar controllers) where i can push buttons and send midi messages like Control Change, Program Change, etc.
I have tried pressing buttons "Registration Memory" and "Multipad", but S910 send a lot of midi messages that i can not use.
So, is there a way i can change the behaviour of those buttons in order to send specific midi messages only??.
Is there a tool or software to make that happen? I have already verify the Midi configuration on the S910, but no luck.

Please your help, thanks in advance!


No, I do not think it is possible to change the messages that are sent when the panel buttons are pressed.

Joe H


I agree with Derek.  Yamaha has made great effort prevent any MIDI messages that are not used by the keyboard from being transmitted or received. This is to prevent the operation of the arranger keyboard from getting corrupted or malfunctioning.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


YES, the S910 works perfectly well as a controller
as any other MIDI keyboard does, Match the midi out Channel Number to your receiving module 'midi in' channel, each registration button can have a different patch change,

Works similar to MIDI out to iPad SongBook+, each registration button can change to a new PDF sheet music, maybe you can study SongBook user manual.

By the way,
The S910 is a terrific keyboard for gigging and the sound is, in my opinion, better than the S975 for ballads, big band, country and orchestra,(I do mainly restaurant work) it has all the editing facilities as good as the 975, not much memory but enough good on-board voices to do an excellent gig, just by re-voicing a little Genos styles works perfect, save all to USB.I have a PSR 3000, 910, 950, and 975 side by side in my studio.



Pino, there's no doubt that it does sent out MIDI messages.

The OP wanted to be able to customize those messages, to reduce the amount of information in them

That's not possible.


Hi Pino,

Please could you elaborate your answer?
In fact, the S910 sends midi data when i press Registration Bank, or MultiPad buttons. However, it sends a lot of midi data, and i want to change that behavior to send just one Midi CC event or Note Event.
Any ideas on that?


Roland 800A Pro is a dedicated controller with 44 programmable buttons.  It is quite inexpensive as well.
I know that's not the question you asked, but if you can't get the 910 to work as needed, it might be a solution for you.


Edwardo, you will have to be more specific as to what you are trying to do and what do you want to control,  Are you familiar with MIDI?

Sounds like you are already running a full midi file and thats where you are seeing all the events

The S910 should not send any midi out data when you press a Registration Button unless you have programmed it to do so.

Do you just want to play styles on the S910 and send programme change to an external midi module for additional voices

Do you want the S910 to handle the midi and you want to send midi out for external voices,

Be very clear with your question and I will try to point you in the right direction



Hi Pino, thanks for your reply.

Yes, i am familiar with MIDI. My question is not related with midi files at all.

I just want to press buttons on the S910 (Registration memory buttons and multipad buttons) and send midi events to my computer. (Just like a regular midi controller works)

I use midi-OX on my computer, and realize that Registration Memory buttons and Multipad buttons send a lot of midi events. I just want to change that behaviour on the S910 in order to send just one event (CC Event, or Note Event) to my computer.

Did i explain better?


Quote from: eriveraa on May 23, 2019, 07:55 AM
I use midi-OX on my computer, and realize that Registration Memory buttons and Multipad buttons send a lot of midi events.

Hello Eduardo --

You're got the right idea with Midi-OX. Several Forum members (myself included) use Midi-OK to explore the MIDI messages sent by buttons, wheels, etc.

Some arranger buttons are specifically designed and implemented to make many parameter changes all at once. Registrations capture a lot of data, for example.

The arrangers themselves are not designed to be a general purpose MIDI controller (e.g., M-audio, Novation, Arturia and others). So, you'll be hard pressed to find buttons that send only a single parameter. The S910 is lacking the newer Yamaha Live Controls and is even less capable than newer models in this area of MIDI control.

All the best -- pj

Joe H

Quote from: eriveraa on May 23, 2019, 07:55 AM
... I just want to change that behaviour on the S910 in order to send just one event (CC Event, or Note Event) to my computer.

I think several of us have explained how the arranger is designed.  If you just want to send CC events and Note events I'm sure you can do that with Multi Pads... but you will have to create a special MIDI configuration to transmit the data from your arranger.

It won't be like some other programmable controller keyboard though.  You will have to create a list of specific messages in Multi Pad Creator and save the Pads with a user name that makes sense to you.  And you won't be able to send Bank Select and Program changes other than those used by the keyboard.  If you write a Bank Select message for another instrument or for a DAW, the keyboard OS will filter it out.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Apologies to the op, I missed the words "send to my Computer" in his second mail, I have never heard of this before, normally the PC sends MIDI out to keyboards, modules, drum machines, FX Boxes etc.

I am gigging with PSR keyboards, currently the S975, perfect for gigging, small footprint, easy to transport and cheap to buy, I've tuned the drums and everything sounds good but it is lacking in some top end sounds, eg. Violin, clarinet, brass and a few others, so I Midi out to a Ketron SD40 to play some of the sweet Ketron voices, I only play styles on the keyboard, the only midi I will have is for patch changes to external module or to SongBook for sheet music.

This is what I do and maybe the op could get this to work for him

I make a 3 event midi in Sound Creator, MSB/LSB/PC.

I create a folder called MIDI OUT and I save this midi as 'midi out 1'
At this point I can load this midi back to Sound Creator and edit the events
Eg. I will look at the Ketron reference manual and edit the midi, so if I want the SD40 to play a trumpet I will set the MSB 2. - LSB 0 - PC 51
Now save the midi in the folder MIDI OUT folder as 'SD40 Trumpet'
You can load the original midi file again, edit it and save as a Violin etc etc.

Now I will start to put a song together and after editing the drums and voices to my liking I will save to Registration 1, if i want the SD40 voice on this part of the song then I will press the "new song' (top left on the screen) and that will take me to midi folders where I will find the 'Midi out' folder
Open this folder and here are my SD40 midi out voices, if I choose a Saxophone then that will show on the top left of the screen,
I will save this as part of the song registration 1

Copy registration 1 to registration 2 and edit again and maybe this time we want the SD40 violin, then same again, look in the midi out folder and save the registration, a different voice can be saved to the 8 registrations.

Maybe the op can try something similar on his keyboard, the Channel numbers must correspond on both units, eg. Ch1 to Ch1. Ch6 to Ch6

PS, I have no keyboards or modules around me right now and the MSB/LSB/PC for the SD40 Trumpet may not be correct, it's just and example.




Photo shows the 'midi out' midi

[attachment deleted by admin]


Not that it matters at all, but the main SD40 Trumpet is at Bank 1, Program Change 42.
I would think it would work as Pino suggested, but never tried it.  I just send messages from Roland 800A Pro controller to the SD40.  If I get a chance I'll experiment with the Yammy sending them.