STYLE (T4) Fly Me To The Moon....

Started by Halesowen Kid, May 14, 2019, 02:02 PM

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Halesowen Kid

Hello Members,

I'm looking for a selection of styles for the song "Fly Me To The Moon".

Your help is appreciated.

Thank you in advance.



Dick Rector

Hi Mike, see if there is something in the attached zipfile you can use.

Have fun


[attachment deleted by admin]
PSR-2000 and PSR-S950


here are mine styles


[attachment deleted by admin]
I Play The yamaha prs sx 720

Roger Brenizer

I've attached 17 styles for you to try, Mike.  :)

[attachment deleted by admin]
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Halesowen Kid

Dick, Thomas and Roger, I thank you....