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Sheets from Midifile

Started by wersianer, May 12, 2019, 05:17 AM

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Mein Wunsch ist es, die Noten aus einer Midi-Datei auszudrucken. Ich möchte den Gesangsteil extrahieren und die Akkorde einfügen. Gibt es ein einfaches Programm, das das kann? Ich habe mir einige Programme angesehen, aber die meisten waren zu kompliziert oder das Einfügen der Akkorde war nicht möglich. Kann mir jemand einen Tipp geben?

Translation Edit: My wish is to print out the notes from a midi file. I want to extract the vocal part and insert the chords. Is there a simple program that can do that? I looked at a few programs, but most of them were too complicated or it was not possible to insert the chords. Can anyone give me a hint?


Musescore can do this and it's free. Only you can judge whether it is too compex for you though ....
Genos 1, PSR SX900, Roland PK6, Ketron SD1000
MSI Cubi 5 mini pc with IIyama prolite 24" touchscreen, MobileSheets


Reya, thank you for the quick response.
I downloaded and watched it. It looks very good, but I can not spontaneously find the opportunity to display chords. Can you tell me how it works?


With the mouse pointer, select the note or rest where the chord change occurs and press CTRL K. The cursor should now appear above the selected note/rest. Now type in the chord name such as Cm7. Press Esc to end chord entry or press Tab to move to the next measure to enter more chord names. You can also press space to jump to the next note or rest when entering chords....

After having left chord entry, press space to play back the notes. Chord names will not play though, only the notes in the score

To enter lyrics, use the same procedure, but press CTRL L (in stead of CTRL K)

good luck / have fun !
Genos 1, PSR SX900, Roland PK6, Ketron SD1000
MSI Cubi 5 mini pc with IIyama prolite 24" touchscreen, MobileSheets


Reya, thanks for "taking me hand".
I thought there was automated recognition of the chords. Since that does not seem to work, I'm grateful that I have  one way to enter them by hand :D.


Well actually there seems to be a chord identifier plugin available  for Musescore...

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I have no experience with it though ....

If you do try it, maybe you could post you experiences with it here ....
Genos 1, PSR SX900, Roland PK6, Ketron SD1000
MSI Cubi 5 mini pc with IIyama prolite 24" touchscreen, MobileSheets


It would seem the link in my previous post was for Musescore 2.3
The one below should work in Musescore 3 ....

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Genos 1, PSR SX900, Roland PK6, Ketron SD1000
MSI Cubi 5 mini pc with IIyama prolite 24" touchscreen, MobileSheets


Reya, thanks for the well-intentioned plugin. I have the qml. downloaded and inserted into the plugins, as well as the settings made. Unfortunately, the program crashes inexplicably when pressing OK. I think I have done everything right, but unfortunately I can not continue for the reason at the point. You have not tested the plugin yourself and you probably will not be able to give me any further advice ... maybe there is someone else? Thank you Reya, thank you very much.


There is already a new version of this plugin:
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Yamaha PSR-SX900
Yamaha PSR E463
Logitech Z623 Speakersystem


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I use this program from years and I'd tell that is better of MuseScore, at least for PRINT.
Once you open a midi file chose the staff visualizzation (as the picture attached) and print any channel you desire.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Duurduur thanks for the current plugin. Now the program does not crash anymore.
Also thanks to Dallas76 for the effort.
Unfortunately I could not reach the automatic chord display with both programs ... probably I'm too stupid :-[.


The chord identifier plugin won't work on music with single notes like those in a typical 'lead sheet'.

You need at least two connected notes, whether two on the treble stave or, if you've two stave, one on the treble stave with one on the bass stave.

The more 'connected' notes you have the better the chance the plugin has to identify the chord.


Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670


Thanks Chris, the sheeets I'm trying to get print come from a Yamaha midi and should actually contain all the requirements.


Can you post the midi file and I'll have a look for you.


Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670


I have used notation composer for years notation musician for just printing or saving fake sheets in pdf the  free trial -Terry

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Hello Chris, Thanks for your offer in advance. To be honest, there are 2 various that are involved. They are attached.

[attachment deleted by admin]



Unfortunately, I couldn't get the chord identifier plugin to work in MuseScore 3 so I loaded the two midi files in MuseScore 2.3 instead and the plugin worked on both.

As you can see from the Cordula-Grün_Chords.mscz, the plugin has put a chord in at every point it's found a chord. I don't know whether you'd need that many chords.

To simplify things, I copied out the Synth stave to a blank score and ran the plugin on that which produced a more manageable set of chords.

Give them a try to see which one works best for you.

The Ave Maria midi file didn't have a stave like the other's synth stave so it wasn't so easy to simplify things. See how you get on.

MuseScore 2.3 is still available if you haven't already got it.

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[attachment deleted by admin]
Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670


Chris, I'm so thankful. You spent so much time with the two files.
With the chord designator plugin in MuseScore 3 you also had problems ... then maybe I'm not that stupid. Thanks for the link. I will try my luck with it in the future.
Thank you also to all the other helpful people.