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Open Text v19r1

Started by vlbrgt, May 16, 2019, 05:01 AM

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Apparently there were some minor issues with the 1.4.3 version.
A new version v19r1 is available for download.
This new version will only work in Windows 7 or later (Windows XP is not supported anymore).
I would like to ask the users of the program to try this version and report any problems. Thanks

If necessary the older version (1.4.3) can still be downloaded.

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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I didn't know about a program like this!! very Thanks


Thanks for keeping the program updated.

I rely on this program for my performances, and it has served me well for the past couple of years.  I have over 700 songs displayed on screen.

Are there any plans to create an Android version, since so many members are using tablets.




Hello, Etienne,
you did great, great work in updating your version 1.4.3. As you know we had some discussions and I am very happy the program runs without any further problems.
I personally know how much work it means to analyze a source code (which Michael Bedesem developped) and to find ways to fix some problems.  .... and to maintain the program or include new features and so on.
I am using OpenText since a couple of weeks and other two friends of mine do it since it is available.
Let me give you my great recognition and many, many thanks. It helps a lot to use a monitor behind your keyboard and read the notes while playing a song.
Great work and my best appreciation !!!
If you need help for testing, please get in contact with me.
Best Regards
... with his Genos2



I like this tool a lot since it saves me time and the trouble of finding the correct sheet.
Combined with registrations it work wonders for me :)

Thanks a lot for continueing Michael's work and your efforts to make it even better.



Please help me!
What this program does?
How to?
I saw it a bit without realize..



In attachment the manual.
This manual is also included when you install the program.


[attachment deleted by admin]
If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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I am curious as to what has been changed in the program.

I never experienced any problems with the older version, except an occasional instance where the pdf file would not load.  I would have to select another file, than go back to the original selection and it would appear.

Since I am satisfied with original, I have not updated to the newer version, since I do not want to experience any problems during a performance.

