Resetting default volume settings

Started by whataguy, Apr 27, 2019, 10:17 PM

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Is there a way to reset the default volume settings on the Genos? Particularly the style volume (default 100, too loud) and R1-2-3 (at 100 too low what with the dynamic touch of most solo intruments). It's OK if I only use one setting and freeze it but as soon as I make a change the style returns to 100 and drowns out the R1,2,or3. This is really annoying and does have an adverse effect on the individual voices if I have to bang the key to get a louder (unreal) sound of that voice. Hope someone has answer as to how I can globally reset that default setting or tell me to live with it and quit whining. P.S. In listening to many of the song posting it's obvious that others have the same issue with the style volume dominating. Thanks for any help. Don in MI


Hi Don,
  The default setting is 100. I prefer to adjust my right hand voices up to around 120 and then save to a registration bank. If you use slider assign then you can quickly change these whilst playing.


I know nothing about the Genos, but on my PSR S950 I reduce the style volume to 80 and it stays that way throughout the entire time I'm playing. It will revert back to 100 the next time the KB is turned on.



Thanks to you both for the quick response and Eileen I just tried your suggestion and recorded it only to find that unless the right hand is a booming full sound the style still dominates a soft jazz guitar or violin or muted trumpet lead line. And Gerry, I wish that were true with the Genos in that after adjusting to a good balance as soon as I change the right hand here comes the louder style again. Throughout the years I have always been criticized for having the rhythms too loud but that was due to the keyboard blocking the speakers on the organ if you get what I mean. So, I guess it's me just being picky and there's soooooo much great stuff on my 'G' to be thankful for. Again thanks for your input. Don in MI


Hi  Don,
  You can always adjust your favorite styles and then save them as User styles. I prefer to set my style and right hand volumes and then save to a registration bank. That way they are always the same when I use those banks. Some others prefer to change the touch sensitivity.


Hi Eileen - I kinda sorta understand what you're suggesting but don't quite know how to save my balance settings to a reg. bank. It makes a lot of sense but the how to escapes me. Do I set up my preferences then save it to button #9 or #10? I'm so envious of how much you know about these machines even though I don't comprehend some of your recommendations and am too embarrassed to request a simpler explanation. Also, I recently viewed a YouTube posting from that German fellow and it looked like he was using the drawbars (sliders) to adjust the volume of R1 and R2, is that possible? Again, thank you for all the help you provide us dummies, me in particular.  Don in MI


Hi Don,
After turning on Genos, look at the small screen currently labelled B above the sliders. You'll see a row of titles: style, m. Pad, Left, Right1, Right2, Right3 and so on. So Genos has already set up the sliders to enable you to change those volumes you mentioned. If B is not highlighted anytime, push the Slider Assign panel button  until it is.
If the style volume then changes at some point it must be because you have activated a registration which was saved to a different style volume. So to counter that you need to use the slider again after using a registration to reset style volume. Once reset you can continue playing, or better, decide to rememorise the registration there and then so next time it comes up with the right value. After pushing memorise make sure you have at least style and voice checked, (and probably others such as tempo, harmony, transpose? It depends on what you need).
Once you have saved to all the buttons in the bank for that session make sure you then save the bank to make the changes permanent. If you are concerned about making mistakes, save the bank at first to a slightly different name, so you still have the original.
If you want to save different voice balances at the same time you can adjust them first using their sliders before memorising as above.



Hello Don,
Never be afraid to ask questions and ask for an easy way to understand things. Most have learned this way.


John, thank you, as the saying goes ' by God, I think I've got it'. It might take a little longer but as the cliche goes 'it ain't how you start, it's how you finish that matters'. And Eileen, you have no idea what a chore it is to be this stupid. Thank you for your patience over the years. Don in MI