MFD with USB

Started by Dick Rector, Apr 19, 2019, 01:35 AM

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Dick Rector

Dear people, is there a way to let a Music Finder File accept styles etc direct from an USB stick? I thought it was but for the life of me I can't figure out how it works.
Must be a senior moment.
In MusicFinderView the styles are in red with a 'j' in front.

Thanks fo reply.
PSR-2000 and PSR-S950

Fred Smith

Quote from: Dick Rector on Apr 19, 2019, 01:35 AM
Dear people, is there a way to let a Music Finder File accept styles etc direct from an USB stick? I thought it was but for the life of me I can't figure out how it works.
Must be a senior moment.
In MusicFinderView the styles are in red with a 'j' in front.

Yes, the Music Finder can find styles on a USB drive. J is the letter of the drive.

We'll need more details on your problem to help you out.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Dick Rector

Quote from: Fred Smith on Apr 19, 2019, 07:36 AM
Yes, the Music Finder can find styles on a USB drive. J is the letter of the drive.

We'll need more details on your problem to help you out.


Thanks for your quick reaction Fred.

What I want to do is using Murray's wonderfull program to make from all my RGT's a Music Finder File and that works BUT!! all my NON preset styles are markt in red with the letter J in front when I use Michaels Music Finder View program for editing.

BTW The USB I'm using is connected and active on the keyboard but I never gave it a drive-letter it is just USB 1 and USB 2.

Creating the file on the PC and load it in the keyboard gives me a file with all (red) names changed in Zouk style, the standard replacement for unknown styles.
I must admid I almost never used MFD files so don't know much about it, it was more or less a try and I seem to remember making long ago an MFD file with 'import' styles but direct editing on the keyboard.
For the world I can't figure out how to make the MFD so it will see and use the intended styles.

Thanks again,
PSR-2000 and PSR-S950