Multipad Sounding Like Horses Hooves ?

Started by Reg, Apr 22, 2019, 03:56 PM

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   I am trying to find a multipad that sounds like  horses trotting.   Hopefully one that continuously plays along with a song. Thanks, Reg


Hi Reg,
there is a horse gallop sound in the subfoldres "Soundeffect" of the GM2 and GM& XG voice folders.,49529.msg387865.html#msg387865

The horse in that sound is.... running at about 148 tempo  ;D
I don't know if that helps to create a pad sound that follows the tempo of  your song.

Usually those kind of sounds we download them from the internet as audio(.wav file) and use them as audio pads.

I guess  someone has allerady created a midi pad with a horse trotting that follows the song's tempo?
Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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    Thank you for replying Panos.  Your suggestions are appreciated.  Reg


  A follow up to this topic.    A multipad with a woodblock sound would be great if someone could post it.  Thank you.  Reg