Ipad Pro 3 - ForScore - FileBrowser - help needed.

Started by Key 1, Apr 24, 2019, 12:49 AM

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Key 1

Hi all,

I have just installed "FileBrowser" on my Ipad Pro 3 / OS 12.2. with ForScore 10.5.2.    My problem is that it will not upload all of my PDF's to my computer.

I was able to upload only about 80 PDF's,  & then a box appeared saying:-  "The operation can't be completed".   "Couldn't communicate with a helper App."

I would appreciate assistance with this.




Hi Alan

Can I just check the process you're using. This is the process I use:


1. Select 'Services' icon (cloud icon, top left menu)
2. Select 'Upload' from 'Files' window
3. Select required PDFs to upload to computer
4. Select 'Upload'
5. Ensure 'FileBrowser' is selected (message at top of screen should say 'Items will be added to "FileBrowser" on "on My iPad"')
6. Select 'Add'
7. Select 'Done'


8. Select 'On My iPad' under 'Local'
9. Check that all the PDFs you uploaded from ForScore to FileBrowser are in the right hand window
10. Select 'Select All' (bottom of screen)
11. Select 'Copy' (bottom of screen)
12. Select 'OK' from 'Copy File' window
13. Select your computer under 'Remote'
14. Select the drive and folder you want to copy the PDFs to
15. Select 'Paste x files here ...'
16. Select 'Paste x files here' and your files will be copied.

Are you doing it that way? If so, does your error message appear during the paste operation at 17. above?

Just a point to make before I forget. When you copy files in this way, the duplicated PDFs will stay within the FileBrowser app on the iPad which will use up storage. So, when you've finished copying from FileBrowser, I'd recommend deleting them. They'll still be stored within ForScore and, of course, you've now got copies on your computer.


Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670


Hi Alan

You are not doing anything wrong. The problem is that Google are in the process of remove an API that Forscore use.

See article on link below.


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Key 1


I was only using items  1 - 4.      Items  5 - 16 didn't exist the way I was doing it.

However after carefully following your procedure,   I did successfully upload (1) PDF.   I tried it using (1) PDF as a test.

Using your procedure, I tried uploading 1000 PDF's, but the error message appeared after I selected "Add"  (item 6).

I tried this numerous times with the same result.

I did manage to upload a number of PDF's each time:-  342,  278,  330.

Maybe I'm limited with the number of PDF's that can be uploaded/downloaded at the same time.


I'm not using Google with this procedure at all so don't know if would affect it.

Thanks to you both.






The large number you're trying to copy in one go may well be the problem.

I've not timed it but, whenever I've downloaded a file from my Mac through FileBrowser to my iPad, there's a point when FileBrowser drops the connection to the Mac. When that happens, I have to reconnect FileBrowser so that ForScore can 'see' my Mac again.

I might be wrong but it could be that the time taken to copy 1000 files is in excess of this time limit so the connection gets lost and you get the error message above.

Best advice here is to copy smaller blocks of PDFs until you've got them all across and that I think is what you've actually done.


Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670


Quote from: Key 1 on Apr 24, 2019, 06:56 AM


I'm not using Google with this procedure at all so don't know if would affect it.

Hi Alan

You say you are not using Google, however the Forscore APP certainly IS.  have a quick read of the info at the link I gave.

Quote from: frozzers on Apr 24, 2019, 07:19 AM

I've not timed it but, whenever I've downloaded a file from my Mac through FileBrowser to my iPad, there's a point when FileBrowser drops the connection to the Mac. When that happens, I have to reconnect FileBrowser so that ForScore can 'see' my Mac again.

Hi Chris

I use DropBox for sending files to my iPad App, works a treat and is totally hassle free.
I use the iTunes for copying files on my iPad back to the MAC. This also works a treat and is simply drag and drop, regards of how many files I want. I have over 8000 files on the Fourscore app.

You may also be interested in a program (by Fourscore that backs up Forscore directly to the MAC.  I do not backup the forscore files to iCloud because my iCloud is full.

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Regards to you both.



Key 1


1.  I have successfully copied all of my PDF's to a folder on my PC. in 3 separate moves.

2.  I have deleted the PDF's from the FileBrowser App. as you suggested.

3.  I have moved the original scans,  which are automatically saved in "Notes",  from "iCloud"   to  "On My iPad"  which has given me  2GB. extra free space in "iCloud".

4.  I don't seem to be able to copy these original scans from "On My iPad"  to my PC.

5.  Should I just delete these original scans as all of my PDF's are saved to my PC ?


1.  I have read the Google issue with ForScore & will continue to monitor it.

2.  I do have an "iMac", which I need to set up & get running, so your information looks interesting.

3.  At this point, my only cloud storage is "iCloud" which came with the "IPad Pro".

Thanks to you both for your help.


