Making a Multipad

Started by Arnak, Apr 02, 2019, 01:02 PM

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I am attempting to follow the instructions to make a multipad from a wav file.

When press the expansion voice category button to set an empty location I am presented with Preset, user,HD1, USB1.

Which option should I take, please?



On which Keyboard are you doing it on?

After Clicking Select / Sync Start button.  ( MULTIPADS)
Select Audio Link.
It Should take you to the Main Folder of the USB ( PSR Keyboard)

Audio Should be
Wav 16 bit Format. ( Or it won't show)

Select the Audio
Hit Exit. 
Save Multipad. 
If you're using Two Pendrives.
Only USB 1 Will show. ( PSR KEYBOARD)

Norman Fernandez Keyboardplayer

PSR S770 - Roland FP 30 - PSR 280
Cubase - Kontakt6


Hi Norman,

My bad, Tyros 4.

Is it different on the T4 as I cannot see a button with an audio link?




Hi Martin,

You can't make or use an audio link multipad on a Tyros4!

Tyros4 can only use MIDI multipads.

So, you must either make an expansion voice from your audio file which you can then use in a MIDI multipad, or more simply, play the audio file (.wav or .mp3) directly using the hard disk audio player/recorder.




Hi Ian,

Thanks for the reply. :)

I am attempting to make a pad from a wave file as explained here :-
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When press the expansion voice category button to set an empty location I am presented with Preset, user,HD1, USB1.

Which option should I take, please?

I assume that I then make a new folder for the pad?




Quote from: tyrosaurus on Apr 02, 2019, 02:49 PM
Hi Martin,

You can't make or use an audio link multipad on a Tyros4!

Tyros4 can only use MIDI multipads.

So, you must either make an expansion voice from your audio file which you can then use in a MIDI multipad, or more simply, play the audio file (.wav or .mp3) directly using the hard disk audio player/recorder.


That's something new I learnt...
I thought the Tyros was able to do it easily.
Norman Fernandez Keyboardplayer

PSR S770 - Roland FP 30 - PSR 280
Cubase - Kontakt6


Hi Martin,

The procedure in your link is to make an expansion voice from the audio file as I suggested.

I assume that you are asking about "2)    Press the [EXPANSION] Voice Category button and set an empty custom  to Right 1 voice."

The procedure uses the 'Custom Voice Assembly' function in the built in 'Voice Creator'.

It works with the voice currently loaded into Right1, so to make a completely new voice you should first load an empty voice (slot) from the Custom Voice table into R1.

Start by selecting Right1 on the panel.

Now press [EXPANSION] and the 'VOICE (RIGHT1)' selection screen will open the 'Expansion' folder on the Preset drive.  The Expansion folder contains three sub folders (Premium, Custom Voice and Custom Drum).

You need to select/open either the 'Custom Voice' or 'Custom Drum' folder, depending on the type of voice you are trying to make.  If the selection screen opens already in one of the sub folders, and it is the wrong one, press 'UP' (upper 8 button) to move up one folder level to the parent Expansion folder,  from where you can select the correct sub folder.

The Custom Voice (or Custom Drum) table will open and you need to find an empty slot to use for your new voice.  Empty slots are named 'empty***' where *** is a number.   Select it and the 'empty' voice will be loaded into R1.  When you create your new voice, it will be saved in this slot although you can select a different one and change it's name if you like.

You can then continue with the Yamaha instructions from 3).





Hi Ian,

Brilliant, thanks very much.

It was not pressing the up button to get to the root folders that was the problem. :-[

Once I did that it was all fine, at least I got the voice loaded, tomorrow the multipad. ;D
