Free Style (the last of the mohicans)

Started by melokeyz, Apr 17, 2019, 11:15 AM

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Dear All,

I recently created a style for one of my favorite soundtracks ever made in the history of film scoring "The Last of the Mohicans" that I wanted to share with you.

Please find attached Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login file that contains the .sty file and a demo MP3 file for listening to the style in action.

Please follow the instructions below to properly use the style.


The style is comprised of the following elements:

- Intro II: You have to play it in the key of C even though the song is in key of Dm
- Main A, B, C, and D: Play the song in the key of Dm
- Fill in A, B, C, and D: Used as short percussion breaks between the main variations.
- Outro II (or ending II): You have to play it in the key of C even though the song is in key of Dm
- OTS: 3 one touch settings

The reason why both the intro and outro are in the key of C is because when I set the root chord/note into Dm I got incorrect sounding chord since the default chord type is CMaj7. I will fix that when I have the time. Also, I am keeping the style updated by adding new intros, new outros, new fill ins, ... etc.

Your feedback is of an utmost importance.

Enjoy  ;D

[attachment deleted by admin]


Thank you for the style melokeyz,
It was made on Genos in two keys? hm...don't worry. I will find a way to be playable on my older psr or at least some parts of it, I think  :D
Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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Quote from: panos on Apr 17, 2019, 11:46 AM
It was made on Genos in two keys? hm...don't worry. I will find a way to be playable on my older psr or at least some parts of it, I think  :D

Panos, I am not sure what did you mean by "two keys". I created the style's intro/outro in the key of C but the style's variations in Dm. I am working on fixing this by playing the intro/outro in the key of Dm as well since the entire song is in Dm. So maybe I unintentionally created it in two keys?!  :o. Until it's solved, play the intro/outro in C. Please Enjoy


I thought the intro & outro are in the key of C and the song is in the key of Dm?
Isn't that 2 different scales?
It is just easier for me as an amateur to play a song in one scale rather than a lot of scales.
I know this way which keys/chords I will need and which I won't (I am not good at reading little circles and lines and play by the book you know ;D)

Sorry if I didn't understand well what you meant my friend.
Nice playing by the way on the mp3 cover and thanks for the idea for a dance remix. :)
Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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The intro/outro are both playing the chord progression in their own. The chord progression in them are programmed to play automatically without the player intervention like any intro/outro in any style in Genos. All you need to do is just play the C major chord and let it go. Once the intro finishes and links to a Main variation, start playing in key of Dm and the rest of the progression manually. So, the style uses only one root and once scale.


Dm  C   
F  C  Dm

Dm  Am  Dm  C  F  C  Dm

Remember, don't play this progression during the intro/outro, otherwise, you will hear chaos not music :)

Hope this helps.

EDIT: Actually, the intro/outro should be in Dm not in C but when I tried to set the root note to Dm in the style creator, it produced weird sounding chord. I am still figuring out how to do it properly. By default, root chord type is set to Cmaj7. This means that you have to record your entire style in this key. However, the manual states that I can change the root chord to whatever I like but it's still confusing.


Sorry, my mistake when I said play the intro/outro in key of C.
I meant hit the C major chord in both the intro/outro and let them play by themselves.


oh! got it now! Now I understand what you mean.

I am not used to play the ready made long intros of the styles with the chord progressions.Sometimes if I need the drum paterns of them I just delete the chord progression.
Why keeping my left hand doing nothing? hahaha

Style creator+chord things veery difficult indeed.

Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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Quote from: panos on Apr 17, 2019, 03:47 PM
Style creator+chord things veery difficult indeed.

Yeah, it took me 8 hours :)
But once you get the hang of it, you will be a lot faster in creating styles.

It's FUN.


Most style parts are written in C Maj. It is then the keyboard that transforms them to play in any key.