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OTS and octave...

Started by alfaholic, Mar 28, 2019, 08:49 AM

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Ah ok! got it now Ian :)
It is the same to the psr.
I thought you went directly to style creator without first memorizing the voices to the OTS even without saving the style (which I guess we are used to press yes-save-ok-yes without reading what the little boxes are Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login is like pressing the keys of a familiar chord  ;D )

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Joe H

Changing OTS on the PSR will NOT be saved when saving the style.  I must save the OTS separately.  I've never owned a Tyros so there is no way for me to know the differences between the Tyros and PSR models.

Besides,  alfaholic didn't say what keyboard he owned.

I was just trying to help.


Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


I own Genos and S-975.


I am sorry but I do not agree that making OTS complete by making them remember DSP effects and upper octave will make it complicated. This is simply not true, it is just the opposite, things working well will help the user if he uses the option, if he does not than it does not matter.

Also I do not agree that Yamaha keyboards are easier to use then others, this is all very subjective.
I use all of them and there is no general rule about which one is the easiest for the user, mainly because everyone is using the keyboard differently. Also some things are easier with Korg, others with Yamaha or Roland.
I remember that illogical file management of the Tyros compared to Korg and Roland, also the lack of ability to export all samples at once for a drum kit in Korg, or just Maj, min, and 7th chord variation in Roland without option to add more, and so on.
However when it comes to in keyboard (YEM as well) editing, Yamaha is the worst, just the regular user does not go this far so almost no one notice.

No reason to be religious about it, if something is bad there is no reason for apologetics or to be offended.
Maybe my broken English sounds harsh, here is some smiley...


I am not apologetic my friend.
We both write in a foreign language so the way we write things maybe are different from what we really mean and how we really want to express it and I am trying to avoid to sound rude to someone because I don't have that kind of intentions.
I don't get paid neither making money from the usage of Yamaha's keyboards.
I am just taking advantage of their engineers' innovations to have fun. :)

I wanted to help you to solve your problem, that's why I recommended to change the octaves through the voice set and not through the upper octave button.
Even creating almost or identical or different styles with different OTS and use the regs to  move from one style to the other is a "workaround" to use both regs and OTS to play a song/medley etc.

When I talked about simplicity I was talking about users that words like "browser","midi","file" sound Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login that kind of simplicity I am referring to.
Or the simplicity of just turning on the keyboard and play once or twice a week.
I was doing that for years after I have got my psr.
I have joined the forum to learn what else my keyboard can do. 

You want the OTS to be able to control the octaves, John may wants the OTS to be able to control the transposition, Ian may wants the OTS to be able to control the tempo, Joe may wants the OTS to be able to control and change the split point,etc.
There are many things that I want too(and I would also like the OTS to change all those things) but most of all I want to play music with what I have got now.
If I am facing a problem I am trying to find a solution or a "workaround" as you said.
I cannot wait until Yamaha decides to change it's keyboards to play the song the way I want to play it.

They haven't solved the "SSS" problem yet for the Dsp's effect that we are facing all the time and you think that a dsp's chain that doesn't work in regs it is THE huge problem?
With just one dsp we are still hearing a voice for a bar after we are changing the OTS.
Keep your left voice to hold and hear it until you press a new chord to the new OTS.
I wonder if with 4 dsp's on the Genos we are going to hear a voice until... the end of times!
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I am sorry if therms like "midi", "file", or "browser" sound too complicated to you and others but it is really irrelevan, no one says you or others must answer my questions or know and use all the stuff we are talking about here. This is my topic and I have some (advanced if you will, but for my understanding pretty basic) questions that I need help with. If you and others can help (which you did every time I asked something, thank you) then great, if not I am still grateful.
This does not mean you or everyone else should know the therms and use the same workflow as I do, simply I want to know why some basic stuff do not work correctly with what Yamaha calls a "flagship" product.
I hope you will let me complain and search for the answers for all the money I paid for those instruments. :)

By "SSS" problem, you mean effects and sound tail transferring from one to another registration? This is of course very important, but I am not mentioning this because I am aware that this can not be solved easily, and it is basically a structural design flaw that needs to be solved only by Yamaha's engineers.
Also me complaining about DSP effects tweak ability in registration without need to use user presets, then about just one DSP per Right effect available in OTS, also the lack of hardware balance in Yamaha arrangers does not mean those are the biggest problems, but again it is what I personally do not understand why is happening with a product of this price, and it is what I ask in my topic because this is what is relevant to me, so again if you can help then great, if not still great. :)

I understand your workarounds for all my questions, do not get me wrong, I incorporated most of what you said in my workflow. But you should understand that my questions are not about some basic stuff like how to save registration and so on, I need more in depth info why things work the way they work.
However it seems to me that your best solution is always not to break frontiers and use advanced options and strange words because it will be complicated for a regular users, so we should close one of our eyes for everything we are talking about here, and be happy with what Yamaha made for us. ;)
I am not saying this is what you actually mean, but how it looks. :)