Wireless File Transfer?

Started by alanclare, Apr 22, 2019, 01:33 AM

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If I had one of these plugged into my S970, could I transfer, say, a song created on the arranger wirelessly to my laptop, without needing to unplug the flash drive?

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Hi Alan

You can already transfer files Wirelessly form the keyboard to the laptop or an iPad.

For the Laptop you can use "MusicSoft Downloader" and from the iPad you can use "MusicSoft Manager".
Both programs are available from Yamaha.





Thank you for your useful reply. I have installed the Downloader app on my laptop and made the cable connection to my arranger (the Downloader doesn't work wirelessly. It requires either a MIDI cable or a usb cable from the laptop to the usb-to-host terminal on the back of the arranger).

I made a connection between the two and I was able to view the files stored both in the User Memory on the arranger and also on the usb drives. I made a successful transfer of .MID files, .STY files and .RGT files. However, I was unable to transfer any .WAV files, but an error message displayed "Disk Full" whenever I tried. Since it is these recordings that I need to transfer to the laptop so that I can use Audacity with them, my problem still exists.

Just as a test, I stored a .PDF file on one of the arranger's flash drives and the Downloader was quite happy to move that. However, when I used an MP3 file, the "Disk Full" error message reappeared.

I am unable to find an explanation. The Downloader seems to be designed to move MIDI files.




There is a limit in file size that can be send to the instrument (I thought on my Tyros4 it was 1MB)
Wav's and mp3's are often to big to send to the instrument.

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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You are absolutely right. I created a very short .WAV File by cutting an existing song to a few seconds duration - 900kbytes.. The Downloader struggled, but eventually moved it from a usb stick in the Arranger into its buffer area, and thence to another stick on my laptop. I didn't know whether it was the size or the fact that it was a .WAV File that was preventing the Downloader doing what I wanted. Your contribution and my little test proves that there is a size limit, probably about 1MB.

That's cleared that up.



Hi Alan

I'm sorry that I gave you the wrong info about Wireless Transfer.  I use a MAC Computer 95% of the time and the MAC cannot rum the Downloader. I use the IPAD for transfer.  However I booted up the Windows m/c and successfully transferred (by cable) 2 files of 8.2 MB but the file that was 52MB failed just as yours did.






The file size for Genos is different compared to Tyros and/or PSR970.
Genos can handle much bigger files for transfer (I don't know the maximum size exactly).

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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Toril S

Hello Alan! I create a lot of files, MIDI, MP3 and Waw, and use Audacity. So there is a lot of taking those USB sticks in and out. I have therefore got extension USB cables, so that the socket of the keyboard will not be worn out. It would have been nice to transfer wirelessly, but maybe in the future... :)
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.


Toril's PSR Performer Page



My arrangement for USBs can be seen in this picture:

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It shows a four-port hub containing four memory sticks, fed from one of the arranger's USB sockets. Each socket being switchable on or off. Because the s970 only permits two USBs, in normal use only the right hand pair of USBs are used.

The stick on the right-hand size is what I call my Working Stick. It stores the usual stuff that one generates when working on and playing a song - Registrations, MIDIs, Songs, Recordings, etc.
The next stick along stores my collection of Styles. It has a switch on it which enables read-only and is its normal state. The only time it is write enabled is when it's plugged into my laptop to add to the collection.
The next stick along is whatever I want it to be, e.g. I may copy some styles on to it to experiment with.
The left-hand stick is the Movable one that taken to the laptop with a WAV file recording to be worked on with Audacity.

A recording of a performance is initially stored on the Working Stick, this being the one that the arranger designates USB1. The WAV file is copied from this stick to the left hand one by switching off the Styles stick, switching on the Movable stick and pasting. The stick can then be unplugged and taken to the laptop. The switches are in that position in the picture.

It sounds complicated, but it isn't. The objective is that in normal use the two memory sticks on the right hand side which store the really useful stuff stay plugged in. Any fetching and carrying is done using the other two sticks.


Toril S

 Hello Alan. Creative system!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.


Toril's PSR Performer Page


I have just successfully played and recorded a song on my arranger which was then transferred as a .WAV file to my laptop without the need to unplug anything. The recording was made directly on to a SanDisk Connect 32GB Wireless Stick. My laptop was connected wirelessly to the stick without the need to move anything and the recording downloaded. Audacity was then used to normalise the file and create an MP3. And here it is - nothing special, just the first (unless you know better?).

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Did you purchase the SanDisk Connectâ„¢ Wireless Stick to do the wireless transfer? If so, I guess you leave the SanDisk plugged into your PSR USB hub and then connect your laptop wirelessly to it. Would that be right? Can you transfer any styles or registrations wirelessly?

Tom G.
Tyros 4



I bought the Sandisk wireless stick new from eBay for about £21. You are correct in that the stick remains plugged into the arranger's hub and communication with my laptop is wireless by turning off communication with my domestic Wi-fi and substituting that provided by the stick. The stick contains a rechargeable battery, and I thought that it would take enough power from the hub. However, it transpires that there is insufficient voltage in the hub sockets to recharge the stick. I think I shall need to keep the stick charged in a wall socket adapter, and plug it into my PSR s970 at the start of a session.

It would be feasible to transfer styles, registrations, etc by using the Arranger to copy on to the stick first.

I should add that I have only carried out one file transfer so far, just to prove the feasibility of the method. I wouldn't have thought that the it would be suitable for large-scale file movements, but for my purposes I am optimistic that it will be useful.
