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Genos user memory

Started by vlbrgt, Mar 22, 2018, 09:38 PM

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I would like to use the user memory on my Genos to store all the necessary files for playing.
The way I did it on my Tyros cannot be used anymore on the Genos.
I would like to avoid using USB sticks.

So my question to all members :
How did you organize the files on the user drive ?
What directory(s) have you created in the default directories ?
Any suggestions are welcome.

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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Not wanting to sound funny, it realy is up to you, just arrange the folder structure in a way that you find easy to use & remember, after all its your Genos.

The Yamaha Musicsoft Downloader can get the job done and is simple to use.


Hello Etienne,
You can use exactly the same procedure as you used on your Tyros to store your files. It is just as easy and much faster because it's an SSD.

However, if you used Registrations on your Tyros that referred to custom Styles, midi's, custom Multi Pads etc., then you will have to make them again because the paths are different on the Genos - the hard disk on Tyros was E:/... and the User on Genos uses C:/... .  There is a computer program called Yamaha Registration Manager to convert multiple registrations to the Genos system.

I used this opportunity to store my files in A  B  C to  Z ... folders for all sections; like Style, Song, Multi Pad, Voice, except for my registrations.
I'm not talented ... but I practice a lot.
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What I did was make a backup of my Tyros 5 hard drive. I then got a 64Gb USB stick I copied all files onto this from Hard Drive back up. I then put the stick into the Genos secure section under the  keyboard.
Before you secure the USB you might want to save the free extra playlists given on the Yamaha site as they will only work from a stick and are worth having. Saving all my set ups this way all my links are in place and it works like a second Hard Drive.


Yep User memory on the Genos is Drive C, first USB is drive D etc..

User memory on the Genos is 64Gb, which is enough to store huge amounts of data such as registrations, style and midi files, which take up very little space.

Audio files take up lots of space so store them on a USB stick or transfer them to your computer. As mentioned use a software program to change any registration not using a preset style to C:, if you copy your styles to the User memory.



Thanks for the replies, but I think my question was not well formulated.

I was curious how other people had organized their files on the User drive.
My system on user drive and USB works fine, but perhaps other people have other and better ideas.
My goal would be NOT to use any USB drive for playing.

On my user drive :
For the moment I created directories  ABC,DEF,GHI,JKL,MNO,PQRS,TUV,WXYZ   in SONG,STYLE,MULTI PAD, ....
In these dir's I put the mid, sty, pad ... named by the name of the song.
For example the song   Bilitis
Has a   Bilitis.pad  in  User/MULTI PAD/Bilitis.pad
Has a   Bilitis.mid  in  User/SONG/Bilitis.mid
Has a   Bilitis.sty   in  User/STYLE/Bilitis.sty
Has a   Bilitis.rgt   in  User/REGIST/Bilitis.rgt
Has a   Bilitis.txt    in  User/TEXT/Bilitis.txt

The directory SONG I am thinking to subdivide it into  MID, MP3, WAV

All this works fine, and I know people will say, OK let it so.
If I found no other better organization then it will stay this way.

But that was just my question ( by curiousity) .

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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I have  related kind of response/question:  Does the new Genos offer the ability to install a seperate hard drive, as my Tyros2 did?

Cheers all

Dave S
Genos, Fender Acoustic Guitar, Lap Steel, Besson Cornet
Entertainer at local restaurants, clubs etc
Radio presenter at CairnsFM, Cairns, Qld
Program Executive at Phoenix 96.3fm, Bundaberg



The Genos already has a hard disk of about 60 Gb, it's called an SSD.
SSD stands for Solid State Drive and is the new generation hard disk. It is much faster than a hard disk and has no mechanical parts, only chips.

I'm not talented ... but I practice a lot.
please visit


Hello Etienne,

I organize mine in a slightly different way:

I have created alphabet folders on my storage. Folders A-Z. In these folders I simply create a subfolder with the song title and in there I store all relevant files for that particular song. So multipad, style, mid , mp3, text and registration and even the pdf with the sheet music for that song. I know the sheet music is not usable on the keyboard itself but since I have a T5 with a huge hard disk I have plenty of room to spare and this way when I create a backup all files will be backed up including the sheet music. If your storage is more limited you coudl elave the pdf's out of course. I also use Murray's registration manager and remove all paths to style, pad, audio file and text file. That way I will be able to move them to a new folder if I would dexide another storage or folder structure is necessary without having to modify all registrations. Another reason for reorganizing could be the folder maximu file limitation in which case you could divide for example the folders under A in AA-AD, AE-AH and so on and move the song title folders under the new ones to overcome that limit.

\ Root
AnotherDayInParadise.mp3 or wav


and so on....

It works fine for me and the styles and pads I use whether those are preseys, premium, expansion or custom I simply copy and rename to match the title of the song. The only exception is when I use an audio style since that one can not be copied to an external storage but I do not useuse those. Another advantage of copying and renaming the styles and pads is that when you later on decide you have a better style to fot the song you can simply overwrite the old style or pad with the new style without having to modify anything.

There are lots of other ways to organize your files but this one is how I did it. Hope it helps giving you ideas for your own organizing :)

kind regards,


Hi Dave,
The Genos no longer uses a Hard Drive as you know it. It has an internal memory of around 58 Gb and is now known as User Drive. This gives you plenty of space for storing all your content. In addition to this you can also use a large USB stick I have a 64Bb which you can house in a secure USB port under the Genos. I use this as a back up to my user and you can remove it from time to time to back up to your computer.


Genos / Tyros5 Question.

Is it possible to connect an external, portable 1GB USB HD
instead of a USB stick ?
If so : 2.0 and/or 3.0 ?



Here is a link that has 1 and 2 Terabyte usb sticks(Don't ask me what the price is...if you have to probably can not afford it) ;)
(Also I can not imagine anyone doing what we do, and needing that much space, but...who knows?)
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As for connecting a hard disk rather than a usb stick, I am not home now to try it, but it seems like that should work.  Not sure though, I will try it when I get home and respond if no one else has. My guess is it would be slower though, because you are dealing with a mechanical Hard drive rather than memory stick.   Ken


Hello Peter (Xeenix),

Thanks for the reply.
That was exactly the same way I had everything organized on my Tyros 4 Harddisk.
But on the Genos this is no more possible (NO harddisk).
On my Genos i use a USB stick to organize it this way.

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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Remember that the Genos 'user' area is, in effect, the same thing as the Tyros HDD. They've merged the Tyros User and HDD into one thing.

Toril S

You can connect an external hard disk if it has a power supply. The Tyros/Genos will not be able to get it spinning on its own. But why bother. Sticks are so much easier :)
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page

Fred Smith

Quote from: vlbrgt on Apr 22, 2019, 03:08 PM
Hello Peter (Xeenix),

Thanks for the reply.
That was exactly the same way I had everything organized on my Tyros 4 Harddisk.
But on the Genos this is no more possible (NO harddisk).
On my Genos i use a USB stick to organize it this way.

Au contraire, it is possible.

Connecting any USB stick to a Genos is the equivalent of the Tyros hard drive (ie, has the same drive letter). Note that it has to be the first, or only, USB inserted.

When I first got my Genos, I copied the entire T4 hard drive to a USB stick, inserted it in the underneath slot, and had my system running (all registrations found all files they were looking for) within 15 minutes of powering on the machine.

However, I found the User drive to be so convenient, I converted my registrations to use it.  But I did so at my leisure.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Al Ram

Quote from: Fred Smith on Apr 22, 2019, 03:25 PM

However, I found the User drive to be so convenient, I converted my registrations to use it.  But I did so at my leisure.

so, in general what is the process to convert registrations from USB to user drive .  . . . ?

I use USB drive on Genos,  I have 3 or 4 folders in the USB. Folders are labeled . . . . 

External Styles
External multipads

So, if i just copied those folders to the user drive . . . is that all ? or do i have to change each registration manually . . .

i have some 300 registrations, using 1-10 registration buttons per one reg bank.  Each bank corresponding to one melody/song.

After that, i guess i will also need to re-link the SongBook+ / Genos link . . .

thanks in advance.
San Diego/Tijuana

Fred Smith

Quote from: Al Ram on Apr 22, 2019, 03:51 PM
so, in general what is the process to convert registrations from USB to user drive .  . . . ?

I simply used Murray Best's Registration Manager to change the drive letter. It did them all in one batch. Took me two minutes.

Quote from: Al Ram on Apr 22, 2019, 03:51 PM
After that, i guess i will also need to re-link the SongBook+ / Genos link . . .


Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Al Ram

thanks Fred.

I will look for the Murray's program.
San Diego/Tijuana


Quote from: EileenL on Apr 22, 2019, 06:06 AM
Hi Dave,
The Genos no longer uses a Hard Drive as you know it. It has an internal memory of around 58 Gb and is now known as User Drive. This gives you plenty of space for storing all your content. In addition to this you can also use a large USB stick I have a 64Bb which you can house in a secure USB port under the Genos. I use this as a back up to my user and you can remove it from time to time to back up to your computer.

Thanks Eileen.  that's exactly what I use now on the new Genos.  57-odd GB is massive, but just like to have the backup 64GB thumb drive as well.  I doubt I'll run out of space now, but nice to know that there's the additional USB stick on the top of the keyboard as well!  good thinking, Yamaha.

Now to find someone to buy the old Tyros2.....
Genos, Fender Acoustic Guitar, Lap Steel, Besson Cornet
Entertainer at local restaurants, clubs etc
Radio presenter at CairnsFM, Cairns, Qld
Program Executive at Phoenix 96.3fm, Bundaberg