Problems changing a specific part of a song

Started by hans1966, Mar 19, 2019, 10:30 PM

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Hello Friends, I need your help. it turns out that I have been recording a song with the style of tango, and at a fixed point in the song I made a mistake of variation I located the point and I put the variation that I wanted but when I try to record it I only get the previous variation. I went to the song creator directly to the SixSex and deleted the events of the unwanted measures, but when recording again I got the same variation. I do not know what to do. I need your help to finish this sequence, since it is a job for a friend, and because of this problem I can not finish it.  Thanks in advance Hans
"Enjoying my SX600, and moving step by step through the journey of life"


If you are using the Song Creator as you stated you will have to TURN ON all the 8 parts of the style to RE-record at the exact point of where the measure begins.

Also note that when you do this, you will erase all the 8 TRACKS from where you start your RE-recording.   

I can suggest a better solution if your END result is an MP3 file to give to you friend. Let me know if that is what you are trying to do.



Hi DrakeM, thanks for your reply, but I did not make myself understood. the problem is that I am putting together a MIDI sequence, based on a Tango style, which has 4 variations (A, B, C, D). from the beginning of the song I use the variation D, but of the 8 channels that the style has, I only use 2 that interest me (Bass and Piano) but it turns out that in a specific measure, when trying to move from variation D to C , I was wrong and passed to A. Because of this I start recording again from the point where there was the error and I select the variation C, but the keyboard automatically passes to the variation A, without taking into account that I have selected the variation C, I  have did this process several times without success. After this I got into the song creator, to erase the SixSex data and events, from the point of the error. Again this I tried to record again, but I got the same result, and even though I select the variation C, it again happens to varaciĆ³n A. The only solution I can think of is to re-record Bajo and Piano but manually, although the process It is longer than the style pattern. If someone has another idea, I am open to suggestions. Thanks in advance. Hans
"Enjoying my SX600, and moving step by step through the journey of life"