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Started by Capt Tony, Mar 17, 2019, 12:20 PM

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Capt Tony

Greetings to all..  New member here.ThankYou for allowing me to participate..Great Forum.   Can someone recommend a style for Phantom of tthe opera.  ?  ThankYou in advance.  Awaiting your responses.
Tyros5.  New to me..


Hi Tony,
wellcome to the forum!
I jave just used the Popclassics for this song earlier today.
I have modified it a little.
I don't know how good the style will sound to you though and if it is a version you are looking for.

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hi Panos
Hat down.. excellent performance!
PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube

Capt Tony

Hello Pano..... very nice.   I like it.... will give it a whirl today... ThankYou for answering... i hope i too will be able to record my performance and share with all of you great forum members 🙏
Tyros5.  New to me..


Thank you guys.
I used registrations with different transpositions so I can continue all the way to play in Dm and not having to learn how to play the same melody to other keys.

The transpositions I used(I hope they are correct,I get dizzy with sheets  ;D) in semitones are:
a: 0 (I play all the way at key of Dm)
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Hi Guys, A bit of a coincidence, but i have recently added Phantom of the opera to my list of songs on the performer page of the forum, (Ken Toone) using the attached style.
Like 'Panos' i have trouble transposing into the alternative keys and as a result, it is all played in the one key.

I have experimented with  transpositions but find i can't hit the transpose key quick enough to keep pace with the tempo. (7 semitones?)
I was rather hoping it would be possible to save the transpositions as part of the OTS, but it seems that is not possible, at least on my CVP605, unless someone knows different?

Have just watched the video, what can I say, I think I will just go and kick the cat!!!

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Capt Tony

Thanks...  i enjoy learning new things
Tyros5.  New to me..


Thanks for the style Kenneve :)
I can see that CVP has registration buttons also or am I wrong?

In a registration you can save the voices,the parts of the style these voices you like to play with (if you wish) and if you check the transposition option in the reg it will automatically change the key by just pushing the reg button.
You just have to worry when changing the key to use a chord to transpose to the new key where is required.

If you have noticed at the video I don't hit the transpose button at all.
The transpose button on  a psr is above the Style buttons.

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Many thanks Panos for your help.
I think I need to go back to school, in the 3 years or so that I have had the CVP605, i don't think I have ever used the REG buttons, preferring to use the thousands of styles that I have amassed, with the help of this forum.

Yes I have 8 REG buttons and I think 4 banks. I have loaded your RGT file and can see it on the screen, but when I try to execute, it returns 'Data not properly loaded'.
Several of the REG buttons have data already loaded, maybe i should delete these first.

The Owners and Reference manuals for this machine, don't tell me much, so I'm a bit lost at the moment.
Are there any written instructions available which deal with this aspect ?
I'm afraid at 80+ years, I will never be able to play normal key changes and your solution seems very attractive.


Oh I see....
Don't worry,technology is constantly improving and make our life easier.
Nobody knows everything.
Neither have I used the registrations this way before, but I had to find a solution and there it was in front of my eyes.

Maybe this program can fix the problem.

If you don't know about computers and how to download it etc,
you can make your own registration.

Take a look at Fred's videos about registrations

Also read hear Joe's lessons about registrations

Maybe Fred or someone else can help with an easier way with this kind of message.
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Many thanks Panos, I have installed the Registration Manager and have converted your file to suit my CVP605.
It is now recognised and will play, 7 of the 8 buttons are active. and yes the Key changes do work.

I now need to work out the relationship between the REG, OTS & STYLE buttons, as when first set, the REG button did not pick the Phantom rhythm and I'm not sure whether the transposition occurred to the Left Hand accompaniment.
Will keep you posted with progress, if any?

Best regards.


Hi Kenneve,
Have you managed to learn how to set the registrations correctly or you still need more help my friend?
I am sorry for my late answer  :(
Yes there are 7 registration buttons.
1-6 is for playing the song with the style.
8 is for playing the intro.

Although it is almost the same sound with no 1 reg, it has a different Harmony effect for te organ sound (standard trio instead of standard duo harmony).

I used "standard trio" for intro because the original is played with 3 keys.

And "standard duo" because I wanted the organ to sound kind of "weird" and "creepy" and not perfectly harmonized.

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Ah, does that mean i need to activate the Phantom Style, before switching on the REG?
I have experimented with the REG and can hear the key changes & sounds over the 7 buttons fine.

Still very confused about the differences between a Style and a Registration

To me, a Style will setup the whole instrument to suit a particular song, so why do I need a REG as well (except for the Transpose function and having 8 variations instead of 4))
Like I said before, registrations are entirely new to me, despite having played the instrument for a number of years.

Currently working my way through Joe's lessons, maybe something will click in time!!!


No, the reg will activate the voices,the style and the transpositions.
I will show you just give me some time.
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ok now look at the video.
I am not a movie director so sorry about the bad movements and low audio of the phone ;D

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The reg and the style are not connected at first.
When I press a reg button the reg plays whatever style I have uploaded at that moment without changing variations of the style automatically.

After I "connect" the style to the variation,every time I push a reg button the variation's of the style follow the "orders" of the registration.

So I don't have to change voices using OTS,changing variation using Main style control and changing the "key" using  reg.
Instead I have all this things in a reg and I just need to press the reg button.
The reason I press the style buttons on Youtube is just to add some fill ins not to change variations from main A to main B.

So add to each reg button,the style's variation you wish,the tempo you wish the style to play and also left and right hand voices with their effects and the transpositions which are allready there.

"tick" everything from above  for registration to save them. 
For voices you can choose those voices you made on your own and you have saved them in the OTS.
e.g before pressing memory+reg 1,press OTS 1 and OTS 1 voices will be added to the reg1.
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