Confused regarding custom voice import.

Started by Arnak, Apr 09, 2019, 08:00 PM

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I have a T4 and checking on the expansion module display it shows that I have used approx 5000 kb in 6 files.

Yet the memory status screen shows that I have used about 1020 mg so when I attempt to load a wav file of 4.1mg I do not have enough memory left. :'(

Would a defrag get the space back to that extent or am I misunderstanding how the memory works, please?



Hi Maartin

A DeFrag will certainly help, but it will not regain all your lost space.

Have a look at the WAV File (Elements) Content.
These do not get automatically removed when you delete a Voice.


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Hi Martin,

If you have previously installed expansion voices which contain wave samples, and later deleted some or all of the voices, this alone does not remove the associated wave samples from the expansion module!  They have to be removed 'manually' using the [VOICE CREATOR] > [EXPANSION MODULE] display.

However even after deleting any such wave samples, when you try to install any new expansion voices, the system will only install them if there is a large enough contiguous block of memory available at the end of the memory space used by any remaining samples still on the module.  Even if there is a large enough block of memory available for your new voice, unless it is at the end of the existing samples, the system won't load the voice!

To 'recover' expansion memory after deleting wave samples, you need to 'defrag' the module which tidies up the memory module and moves all empty space so that it is after any existing samples.  This process can take a while - typically around 45 minutes for a 1GB module if I remember correctly.

Alternatively you can make sure that you have saved the existing expansion setup as a library (using the 'LIBRARY SAVE' function), format the module, and then reload all of your expansion packs/voices again as a 'Library Load'.  This may actually be faster in some circumstances!  It also means that you don't have to try and work out which wave samples belong to any voices that you want to remove, which is not always obvious!

Remember that on Tyros4 there are restrictions other than available expansion memory space which can prevent you from loading additional expansion voices.  The most problematic of these for most people is likely to be the maximum of 9999 'Wave Counts' (with firmware ver 1.10).  If you try to add another pack or voice which would take the total Wave Count to over 9999, the process will fail, even if there is plenty of available empty memory space on the module.




Hi Bill & Ian,

Thanks very much for the helpful replies. ;D

It turns out that the voices were in the "no category" that I had not checked, lots of them!

It all makes sense now as there is plenty of space for waveforms etc.

So all I need to do is to remove some voices to make space.



Hi Martin,

When I want to delete an expansion voice that uses wave samples which are loaded on the expansion module, I always delete the samples before deleting the voice data from the Custom Voice table.

That way if the voice is loaded into a voice part e.g. R1, and you play notes up and down the keyboard at different velocities, if you hear a sound, you know that you have missed one or more samples somewhere!  When you play the voice and don't hear any sound, you have probably deleted all the associated waves from the expansion module.




Hi Ian,

Thanks for that advice. ;D

Just a quick question, if I remove the samples but leave the voices does that make more space in the Expansion module and would the voices still play?

I ask this because I am not sure exactly sure how the import a wav file and create a voice from that wav file actually works.

I do know how to do that but I can't see in the manual how the process actually works in sufficient detail to understand what happens inside the Tyros. ???

From the instructions, I can see that the imported wave is set to a R1 voice slot and uses the expansion memory.

Then the voice creator is used to make the voice with the elements then it is stored in the empty bank file selected if I have that correct. ???

Does that mean the sample wave can them be removed and keep the voice?




I found out from Yamaha that the sample does need to be kept for the voice to play.
