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Recording audio file from a registration file

Started by bobn1944, Mar 10, 2019, 01:01 AM

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Hi. Hope everyone is well.

I have recently tried recording an audio file to memory stick, playing a registration file from the same memory stick.

I get an error message stating 'drive is in use' and the recording aborts.

Am I correct in thinking recording audio and playing back the registration to the same memory stick is not possible?

I'm guessing if I copy the registration file to user memory on the keyboard and record the audio file to the memory stick will solve the problem,

or has anyone a better idea.

Many thanks in advance for any suggestions

Cheers Bob


The reason you cannot record an audio style directly to the keyboard and save it to the memory stick is because you are using the Audio Recorder/Player to play the style. You cannot record and play from the same device at the same time.

Now, you can use Audacity, or an external digital recorder and record the song to either your PC or the recorder.

Good luck,

Gary  8)
Love Those Yammies...


Thanks Gary

What you say makes sense,

but can I not play the registration directly from the keyboard user memory and record on the audio player/recorder to a memory stick?


The memory stick does not have a built in recording device, therefore it cannot record - it is just a storage facility. Kinda like a file cabinet that holds a lot of files.

All of the recording is done on the keyboard's onboard recorder/player. Once the recording has been made on the keyboard, the recording file can be stored on the memory stick, which can then be played back by using the keyboard to access the file, then play it back using the onboard device.

Hope this helps,

Gary  8)
Love Those Yammies...


This message often crops up when you are using a USB stick that is not fast enough. When recording in the Audio recorder it is writing directly to the USB stick and needs a fast response. I find Verbatim very good for this. Once your registration is loaded it is not using the USB because it is held in the internal memory of the keyboard. Make sure you do not have to much stored on the USB stick you record to.


Quote from: EileenL on Mar 11, 2019, 11:24 AM
Once your registration is loaded it is not using the USB because it is held in the internal memory of the keyboard

This is not strictly accurate!

If you include a style in a registration, each time that you select that reg. it loads the style from it's storage location.

So if your registration includes a style that is stored on a USB drive, then if you select that reg, it will try to access the USB to load the style, even if it only changes the variation of the style already playing!

Over the years there have been numerous forum posts about problems involving the USB Audio recording function on PSRs.  It seems very 'fragile', so if you change to a different reg which includes a style while the keyboard is recording audio, it might well upset the system and generate the error message.

If you are using registrations which include a style stored on USB, try moving the style to the User area and make the registrations again so that they load the style from here.  Then see if you can record the audio without successfully.

If you still get the error, then it may well be that you need to use a dedicated USB for audio recording as has been reported previously.




Thank you all for your imput.

I am using a Kingston memory stick with which I have never had any problems.

I'm fairly sure I get the error message when the foot pedal is pressed to change from one reg to another.

It's an 8 gb stick of which 3 gigs are free. I'm going to delete some stuff to free up more space & try again.

If that fails I will try recording the registration to the song recorder, & play it back recording to the audio recorder.

Not sure if that will work but will give it a try.

Thanks again all



As a follow up to this thread, I deleted some .yep files that I never use from the memory stick to free up some memory and tried again.
Whether it is just coincidence deleting these files or not I am not sure, but I have managed to record four registrations from memory stick to
the audio recorder onto the same memory stick with no problems.
'All's well that ends well' as Shakespeare said.

Thank you all once again.
Regards Bob


Try a USB3 Flash Drive. I had similar problems recording audio files from a midi tha was on the same stick. Since I changed
to a USB3 drive I have not had that problem.



That info is interesting

I'll give it a try