S670 just arrived...the Good and Bad & HELP please..

Started by Dnj, Feb 28, 2019, 02:51 PM

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S670 came today and I'll get right into it without any fluff,......
sounds great, typical Yamaha, for the price I am very happy with that ..
trying to get setup quickly I put all my S970 files on a USB stick and as usual plugged it in and attempted to load REG & User Styles.First error message not enough on board RAM as expected no biggie there..... I can live with playing ALL my REG/Styles off a USB drive as I always have done with my Yamaha arrangers. BUT for some reason I thought I should have no problem doing this, but when I select a REG song it will not recognize the associated style and I have to load it manually from the user style bank on USB, same style as previous songs remains,.......what am I doing wrong?... the FREEZE boxes (styles) are unchecked......all I wanna do is work from the USB stick and call up the REG song lists pages, select a song, and off I go as I always have done,......or do I have to setup everything from scratch again?   :o   >:( ...
frustrating at this point to say the least  :mad: funny this is , all S970 REG & user styles are on the USB stick in a folder..
all associated OTS, tempo, key, etc, is retained in the REG song bank when selected except the style itself. ???

any suggestions? appreciate it..


I can understand they are two different models,......I guess I just wanted to get it done the easy way,......now it will take a little more time to get my homework finished, but when it is I know I have made the right choice its just a matter of linking the registrations after choosing my custom user styles and assigning them to the song...should take a few days ....
There is alot to like about this arranger KB, Yamaha did a nice job .......take care. 8)


""Converting existing registrations to load on a different keyboard""


Hi Dnj,
I never had to use it but maybe trying Murray's program to save time?

The reason regs don't always work that easily on another model is that a reg needs to find let's say style 001 of s970 but that style has another number on s670.
So you need to reassign the regs.
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panos thanx so much i will look into this asap.....take care

Toril S

Congratulations Dnj! A little work, but, oh, so good to have a new keyboard :)
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.


Toril's PSR Performer Page


Thanx Toril ....always exciting with new toys...take care.


halo friend psr s 670 keyboard was very nice with nice knobs it never came before any Yamaha psr s series. i i,m it wont be there in psr s 975 also so we have to wait for better new Yamaha psr s series. in psr s 670 i found better knobs. than any other model psr s 950. 970. 975. i dint found knobs..


Quote from: cliffordleo1965 on Mar 02, 2019, 09:14 AM
halo friend psr s 670 keyboard was very nice with nice knobs it never came before any Yamaha psr s series. i i,m it wont be there in psr s 975 also so we have to wait for better new Yamaha psr s series. in psr s 670 i found better knobs. than any other model psr s 950. 970. 975. i dint found knobs..

Thanx yes I agree great quality buttons and knobs on S670 for sure....